Andrew Gardner
I've tried installing SP4 using both the express install and the full
download, a Win 2k pro setup. Both attempts failed in the post install
procedures and rolled back to the previous SP3 state. The last few entries
in svcpack.log seem to indicate an error from wzcsetup.exe. The
spuninst.log also has wzcsetup.exe as its first action.
The last few lines of svcpack.log are ...
Starting process: C:\WINNT\system32\wzcsetup.exe /i /P
Return Code = 2147942402
DoInstallation:RunInfProcesses for ProcessesToRun Failed
Service Pack 4 Setup encountered an error: An error in updating your
system has occurred.
Failed Deleting C:\WINNT\system32\msiinst.tmp 2
VerifySize: Unable to verify size: Source = NULL: c:\winnt\oem24.cat
An error in updating your system has occurred.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made, or select 'Cancel'
to quit. If you select 'Cancel', your system will be left in a partially
updated state and may not work correctly.
Any ideas on what may be causing the problem and how to resolve it? Note,
sp4iis.exe, which seems to have had some issues reported, returned 0 ...
success, in this case.
download, a Win 2k pro setup. Both attempts failed in the post install
procedures and rolled back to the previous SP3 state. The last few entries
in svcpack.log seem to indicate an error from wzcsetup.exe. The
spuninst.log also has wzcsetup.exe as its first action.
The last few lines of svcpack.log are ...
Starting process: C:\WINNT\system32\wzcsetup.exe /i /P
Return Code = 2147942402
DoInstallation:RunInfProcesses for ProcessesToRun Failed
Service Pack 4 Setup encountered an error: An error in updating your
system has occurred.
Failed Deleting C:\WINNT\system32\msiinst.tmp 2
VerifySize: Unable to verify size: Source = NULL: c:\winnt\oem24.cat
An error in updating your system has occurred.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made, or select 'Cancel'
to quit. If you select 'Cancel', your system will be left in a partially
updated state and may not work correctly.
Any ideas on what may be causing the problem and how to resolve it? Note,
sp4iis.exe, which seems to have had some issues reported, returned 0 ...
success, in this case.