SP4 - how to prevent "cancel" button but still show progress bar?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin Hurni
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Kevin Hurni

It doesn't appear that MS gives you a choice on this one:

If I run update.exe with the /u, the user can click the CANCEL button
during the "checking for files" process (depending upon machine speed,
can give them anywhere from 1-5 minutes to click CANCEL)

If I choose the /q option, then the users see NOTHING. No progress bar,
no idea that anything's going on, no idea when the pc is going to

Any way to show the progress bar AND not show the cancel button?

Kevin -

Try doing a /Z /U -

That should do it for them - SP4, right? It's a doozy of an update, but it
should work.

Good luck!
Unfortunately the /u switch STILL shows the "cancel" button while SP4
"analyzes and collects" information about your pc.

On a Dell Optiplex GX-240, it "analyzes" for about 2 minutes (granted,
this is with a virus scanner running on the pc too), during which time
you can click the CANCEL button.

The Cancel button doesn't become "greyed out" until it actually starts
installing the SP.

The /Z just prevents a reboot.

I think honestly this is a user-education issue.

Here's what we do - we utilize a script that runs on login and starts the
hotfix/sp installation if it doesn't detect that it's installed.

You could deploy something like this via SMS (if you have it) so that no
matter what, if that hotfix/sp is not installed, then run it. The user
would eventually get tired of hitting cancel and run the update.

Otherwise, I'll bring it up at the next MS board meeting :)
Yes, one would think the users would get tired of cancelling every

But our users have "patience" when it comes to THAT. (nothing else,
just that)

It would be nice for MS to give an option to NOT allow "cancelling".
Like they do for IE6setup.exe
