Windows XP Sp2

Dec 8, 2004
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I installed SP2 and all was ok until I unplugged my USB ADSL Modem and then plugged it in again. The computer saw it as new hardware and then the modem software wouldn't complete with erros of Access Denied.
I contacted Microsoft ( no reply ) US Robotics who said it was SP2 but there were no fixes, I weent to many firums but saw that loads of people had the same problem but with various devices.
I had to format my drive and reinstall Win XP Home with SP1, I am not touching SP" for a good few months, its not worth the hassle.

Sorry Tyneside ... but 5 million (ok, maybe not that many) have installed SP2 with no bother.

What make, model, brand is your PC. Not all PC manufactures were ready for SP2, and that includes Dell, Tiny/Time and a good few others ... they will use cheap components. ;)

usually if you disconnect and then reconnect a USB device and windows tries to install it again then the drivers were not installed correctly in the first place or the USB controller drivers are corupt. (in me experience anyway)
Hi, I read a posting from Microsoft who said that SP2 sometimes does not recognise USB1 on certain devices. I had no problem at all with SP2 until I disconnected my modem, never had this problem with SP1 and after reading various magazines and forums about the same problem I will be giving it a miss until people discover most of the problems and find fixes. I suppose its each to his own and if it works for you then thats fine.

Is there any updated firmware for your modem? If there is that's probably worth a try, it may help.

Although if US Robotics have said there's no fix it's unlikely.