SP2 - toolbars



So far everything works, except: View > Toolbars > 'add-
ons'= faded out/inactive. I go to: Tools > Manage Add-ons
= When I try to 're-enable' 2 toolbars ( which were
there b4 2P2) the "Settings" area stays faded and
says "This add-on is managed by your administrator" - I
AM the Administrator. How do I correct? Thanks in
advance - this is a GREAT PLACE TO LEARN.

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Vern,

See if this information helps:

http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...f=1&[email protected]

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

So far everything works, except: View > Toolbars > 'add-
ons'= faded out/inactive. I go to: Tools > Manage Add-ons
= When I try to 're-enable' 2 toolbars ( which were
there b4 2P2) the "Settings" area stays faded and
says "This add-on is managed by your administrator" - I
AM the Administrator. How do I correct? Thanks in
advance - this is a GREAT PLACE TO LEARN.

Ramesh [MVP]


Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

Hi Vern,

See if this information helps:

http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...f=1&[email protected]

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

So far everything works, except: View > Toolbars > 'add-
ons'= faded out/inactive. I go to: Tools > Manage Add-ons
= When I try to 're-enable' 2 toolbars ( which were
there b4 2P2) the "Settings" area stays faded and
says "This add-on is managed by your administrator" - I
AM the Administrator. How do I correct? Thanks in
advance - this is a GREAT PLACE TO LEARN.


Thanks Ramesh, this fixed 1 problem (AcroIEHlprObj Class
= is missing!), but not the one I asked about (nor did
www.winxptutor.com) Where would I go to find the "actual
file ident" of the program ext (.dll), so I can locate in
the CLSID list?? i.e. "NavShExt.dll" (toolbar)
and "RoboForm.dll" (toolbar) Tks agn

Ramesh [MVP]

In the Add-on Manager dialog, choose the "Class ID" column by right-clicking
the top border. You'll then see the CLSID associated with that toolbar.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

Thanks Ramesh, this fixed 1 problem (AcroIEHlprObj Class
= is missing!), but not the one I asked about (nor did
www.winxptutor.com) Where would I go to find the "actual
file ident" of the program ext (.dll), so I can locate in
the CLSID list?? i.e. "NavShExt.dll" (toolbar)
and "RoboForm.dll" (toolbar) Tks agn


Now that is what I call "simple", especially when you
know it's there. Thanks again

Ramesh [MVP]

You're welcome.

Side note:
The Add-on Manager column preferences are reset to defaults once you close
the dialog.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

Now that is what I call "simple", especially when you
know it's there. Thanks again


Thanks Ramesh, I changed the 'regedit' settings
and "everything" is working fine... You've ALL been a
big help. May God 'richly' bless you and keep you.

Ramesh [MVP]

You're most welcome Vern. Thanks for the wishes.

BTW, the page is now updated.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

Thanks Ramesh, I changed the 'regedit' settings
and "everything" is working fine... You've ALL been a
big help. May God 'richly' bless you and keep you.

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