SP2 Securtiy Center icon does not display in taskbar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Judy
  • Start date Start date


Successfully installed sp2. The icon is supposed to appear
in the taskbar, but it's not there. I tried to put it in
the taskbar, per help instructions, but won't appear.
What shoul I do? Thank you for your time and help
The "Security Center" icon is not designed to appear in the
notification area of the Taskbar. A "Windows Security Alerts"
icon will appear in the notification only if Windows XP detects
a security issue related to Windows Updates, Firewall or
your antivirus program. If you have Automatic Updates enabled,
a firewall properly installed and functioning, and your antivirus
program virus definitions are up-to-date, then that icon will not

Additionally, if you manually made changes in the way the Security
Center alerts you, the icon will not appear. This is by design.

Frequently asked questions about Windows Security Center

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| Successfully installed sp2. The icon is supposed to appear
| in the taskbar, but it's not there. I tried to put it in
| the taskbar, per help instructions, but won't appear.
| What shoul I do? Thank you for your time and help
-----Original Message-----
Successfully installed sp2. The icon is supposed to appear
in the taskbar, but it's not there. I tried to put it in
the taskbar, per help instructions, but won't appear.
What shoul I do? Thank you for your time and help

.is really not necessary theicon. downloading sp2 doesnt
mean that the icon have to appear in your desktop. if u
want to review just look at the history of downloads.