Robert said:
After Installation, the security center service willnot start and I am unable
to start it by rebooting or manually in the services control panel. Any ideas?
Is this a computer that is joined to a domain?
From a previous post by me:
If the computer is member of a domain, the Security Center is
default disabled, and you will see this entry in the Application
event log (Source: SecurityCenter, Event ID: 1807):
"The Security Center service has been stopped. It was prevented
from running by a software group policy."
For a domain computer, this is normal and by design, the Security
Center is default turned off (and you will get the message mentioned
above in the event log). There is a Group Policy setting available
if you want to turn it on (domain wide or just for your computer
using Start/Run--> gpedit.msc).
Take a look at the chapter for the Security Center in
Security Center
What settings are added or changed in Windows XP Service Pack 2?
Group Policy settings (page 26 for me)
06_CIF_Maintenance.DOC ("Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack 2, Part 6: Computer Maintenance") can be downloaded from here:
Note: contains all the .doc downloads...