SP2 problem



My friend is running XP Pro. When SP2 was released, she installed it, but
after many problems, uninstalled it. Recently, her ADSL connection
connects, but after a few minutes, disconnects - the only message is "cannot
connect to remote computer" from the broadband dialup window.

I told her to ensure that her Windows updates were up to date, and
apparently she receives a message from W.U. telling her to uninstall SP2.

Could the two problems be connected at all? If anyone has a solution to
either problem I'd be most grateful.

Thank you.


Try add/remove programs,windows components,click on "networking services",
chk all,click ok to install,close out.These services get uninstalled when
or in youre case deleting SP2.You might chk out "uninstalling Windows XP SP2"
thru search at microsoft,i believe i've seen a fix or two toward this.

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