SP2 - Positive Reviews (please read and comment)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ingit
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just wanted to throw my view in here. I have also installed SP2 on 4
different computers. I read another post about how everyone is bashing MS
about the SP, but no one really points out the good stuff. so her goes.
(sorry for the long post.) I consider myself above average when it comes to
computers. No fear of the registery, take security to extremes, maintain my
systems constantly, etc.

1. Home built dual PIII Xeon 600's (primary file server)
Used the IT full version download, Worked flawless. Ran RC2 for awhile,
uninstalled that version and now have the final installed.

2. Sager Laptop 2.4 ghz (day to day computer)
IT full version. Had one issue about WMV files. if i played an entire
movie it worked great, but if i played a snippet from the movie it would
crash WMP. unistalled SP2, still had the problems. I figured it had to be
a issue with the movie snippet itself. re-installed SP2, again flawlessly.

3. Gateway Laptop 1.8ghz (A/V system hooked up to home stereo/theater)
IT full version. Once again, no issues.

4. Gateway Desktop (wife's business system)
I used automatic update on this one. This computer is crucial to my wife's
business, so I decided to run SP2 on my systems first to see what major bigs
might pop up. It took a few days to actually get the "final" notification
that it was ready, so I made a huge step and let her go through the process
of updating. She was amazed at how easy it was. So far, no issues.


so far, I have beed pleased with the update. Have done way to much research
on this SP about software incompatability and known issues, but I guess it
was worth it. NAV 2003 is recognized, but I get the goofy "not monitored"
comment even after updating from Norton. I am using Zone Alarm, also (no
issues). Network runs fine. I could go on and on, but it would start to
sound like blah, blah blah. so, I guess all in all I'm pretty satisfied
with this SP. Using on the variety of systems I am, I believe I can make a
posisitve assesment of the product. I'm sure I will probably get the crap
flamed outta me for this post, but what the heck. Sometimes you just gotta
speak up. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way a MS drone ( also have a
system running Linux SUSE), but I will give credit where credit is due.

SO....knock on wood (hope it stays this way.)
| Hi....
| just wanted to throw my view in here. I have also installed
SP2 on 4
| different computers. I read another post about how everyone
is bashing MS
| about the SP, but no one really points out the good stuff.
so her goes.
| (sorry for the long post.) I consider myself above average
when it comes to
| computers. No fear of the registery, take security to
extremes, maintain my
| systems constantly, etc.
| 1. Home built dual PIII Xeon 600's (primary file server)
| Used the IT full version download, Worked flawless. Ran
RC2 for awhile,
| uninstalled that version and now have the final installed.
| 2. Sager Laptop 2.4 ghz (day to day computer)
| IT full version. Had one issue about WMV files. if i
played an entire
| movie it worked great, but if i played a snippet from the
movie it would
| crash WMP. unistalled SP2, still had the problems. I
figured it had to be
| a issue with the movie snippet itself. re-installed SP2,
again flawlessly.
| 3. Gateway Laptop 1.8ghz (A/V system hooked up to home
| IT full version. Once again, no issues.
| 4. Gateway Desktop (wife's business system)
| I used automatic update on this one. This computer is
crucial to my wife's
| business, so I decided to run SP2 on my systems first to see
what major bigs
| might pop up. It took a few days to actually get the
"final" notification
| that it was ready, so I made a huge step and let her go
through the process
| of updating. She was amazed at how easy it was. So far, no
| Thoughts:
| so far, I have beed pleased with the update. Have done way
to much research
| on this SP about software incompatability and known issues,
but I guess it
| was worth it. NAV 2003 is recognized, but I get the goofy
"not monitored"
| comment even after updating from Norton. I am using Zone
Alarm, also (no
| issues). Network runs fine. I could go on and on, but it
would start to
| sound like blah, blah blah. so, I guess all in all I'm
pretty satisfied
| with this SP. Using on the variety of systems I am, I
believe I can make a
| posisitve assesment of the product. I'm sure I will
probably get the crap
| flamed outta me for this post, but what the heck. Sometimes
you just gotta
| speak up. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way a MS drone (
also have a
| system running Linux SUSE), but I will give credit where
credit is due.
| SO....knock on wood (hope it stays this way.)
Ingit: I too installed the IT version of SP2 without
incidence on 3 computers. I have posted my success with this
in various other threads so I won't go into detail here, but
the whole experience was pretty much effortless. I have no
complaints, but I think keeping your system up to date in
"all" areas helps the download/install.

I thought I would give you this link below that explains the
message your seeing about NAV 2003 (which I have also) "status
unknown". Apparently Symantec is working on a fix that will
allow SP2 to "talk" to the Security Center in the near future
that will be available thru Live Update. Here it is in their
faqs section on SP2. Glad to hear another success story...


Thanks for info. I'm pretty sure I read your post already, that's why I
posted. I think if more folks would take the time and do a little research,
they would eliminate lots of problems before taking the plunge. I'm amazed
at how many people have heard of google, but don't bother to take the time
to use? guess laziness? or looking for a "quick answer?"

Ingit: I was wrong about the update from Symantec, evidently
they are only fixing the problem with the Sec Ctr and their
2004 versions.


| Thanks for info. I'm pretty sure I read your post already,
that's why I
| posted. I think if more folks would take the time and do a
little research,
| they would eliminate lots of problems before taking the
plunge. I'm amazed
| at how many people have heard of google, but don't bother to
take the time
| to use? guess laziness? or looking for a "quick answer?"
| <snip>