SP2 Limited or No Conectivity


James Brautigan

I just got the auto download for SP2, but when my DSL service connects, I
get an little pair of computer monitors with a yellow triangle and the
message in a baloon that there is limited or no connectivity. This has me
very worried.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

James said:
I just got the auto download for SP2, but when my DSL service
connects, I get an little pair of computer monitors with a yellow
triangle and the message in a baloon that there is limited or no
connectivity. This has me very worried.

Do you have the Zone Alarm firewall installed? If so, this is a known issue
and you likely had it active during the installation of SP2. The fix is to
completely uninstall ZA. Make sure the XP Firewall is enabled before
performing the uninstall.


Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.

Stephen Harris

James Brautigan said:
I just got the auto download for SP2, but when my DSL service connects, I
get an little pair of computer monitors with a yellow triangle and the
message in a baloon that there is limited or no connectivity. This has me
very worried.

I got this message after SP2 was already installed and the only
firewall was Windows Firewall. I started Roxio Easy CD Creator
for the first time since the update. It froze and my computer froze.

I finally had to use the reset button. The next two times I got
that error message about 'limited connectivity'. I disconnected
the router, paused, and plugged it in again, then rebooted. The third
time the computer connected to the internet ok. I uninstalled Easy Cd
and then reinstalled, and it worked and the connectivity was normal.

I think it is odd that CD software would interfere with dsl connectivity.


I just got the auto download for SP2, but when my DSL service connects, I
get an little pair of computer monitors with a yellow triangle and the
message in a baloon that there is limited or no connectivity. This has me
very worried.

Looking at the details of my connection,. I noticed that it had
acquired an inappropriate IP address for a LAN connection.

This was for my LAN on motherboard. So I installed a PCI LAN card.
This now gets an address in the right range and my connection works
just fine.

So if you have a LAN link out to your DSL modem, look at the IP
address assigned to your network connection.

If you don't have a LAN link, forget it. Must be something else. But
several people have seen the same message with buggered LAN


Michael Kenward Words for sale

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