SP2 Kills my HID support (PRO NEEDED!)



I use SP2.

I could not get my HID gamepad to install because my computer would only say
the "device found" message, and never anything about a HID. In addition,
there was no HID section in the Device Manager.

So, I uninstalled SP2 on a whim, and sure enough, all of a sudden my
computer supported HIDs just like it should. So I installed the gamepad,
worked FINE.

But I like SP2 the best, so I thought maybe it would still work now that it
had been working, if I installed SP2 again.

I installed SP2 and once again the device doesn't function at all, there's
no HID section in the Device Manager, just like before.

Except now when I try to uninstall SP2, it says a file was not found and
just won't uninstall.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Have you verified your gamepad is compatible with SP-2?
You may need updated drivers.
What does the gamepad manufacturer say?


SP2 simply removes the HID from the Device Manager, in other words no HID
devices are supported by Windows XP Pro SP2 (at least not on my system).

Obviously that can't be right.

The manufacturer is a company owned by Philips called Gemini.

Here is the webpage that has the link to the drivers:

In the middle of the page you will see "Gaming GGE908 Drivers". That's the
model number of the device. Anyways that is the install program that simply
installs it, and it "works" even though it doesn't do anything for the HID in

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

You should contact them at the Email address or 800 number on that page.


I did try to contact them. Unfortunately they are all mixed up over there.
The support just refers me to a Philips telephone number, and the people
there are only remote control support, and don't know anything about

The problem lies in Windows, as it works in SP1, but in SP2 Windows removes
ALL HID devices.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Find a friend that also has Windows XP SP-2, Home or Pro, whatever you have.
See if there is the same issue on the other computer.

If it is the same issue, there is probably nothing to be done until the
hardware manufacturer updates the drivers.
You can also contact Microsoft:

If the other computer does not have the problem, then you have the difficult
task of determining what ids different between your 2 Windows XP

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

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