When/where will one be able to order SP2 on CD to be mailed??
I think such a huge update assumes far to much from the average user.. like
broadband connection. I do have DSL, but am traveling for several weeks and
am now posting over a 33.6 connection (noisey phone line) Even 80 Meg (I
maunally run Wupdate every week) is unlikely to reach completion on a
connection like this. There must be thousands in exactly the same
I think such a huge update assumes far to much from the average user.. like
broadband connection. I do have DSL, but am traveling for several weeks and
am now posting over a 33.6 connection (noisey phone line) Even 80 Meg (I
maunally run Wupdate every week) is unlikely to reach completion on a
connection like this. There must be thousands in exactly the same