It is simple.
Windows Firewall is easy to use and asks rarely.
How to set it up depends on what kind of user you are and what you want to do.
If you would like to use services like Remote Desktop and Remote
Assistant,you should have them checked on the exception lists.
Upnp framework can be unchecked
Or,if you would like to exchange files over chat,like ICQ,Windows/MSN
messeger,you need to have them checked
But if you have the NOT checked,you still can chat,but will not exchange
files,just text.
If you would like maximum protection,check Don't allow exceptions
All internet connections should be firewall protected.
!!! Remember that you have to use only 1 firewall.
Windows Firewall or another one-software (e.g.Norton's firewall,Zone Alarm
I recommend you ( if you have another firewall )to turn off the other
firewall and to use only Windows Firewall.
Also ,keep in mind that Microsoft suggests 3 + 1 general steps that helps
protect your PC :
1.Use an internet firewall enabled at all times
2.Update your Windows automatically
3.Use an antivirus software enabled at all time
4.Use an antispyware software
for more info about protecting your PC
if you have malware problems,read Mr.Russel's article how to clean an
infected computer.
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