sp2 downloads

  • Thread starter Thread starter ash
  • Start date Start date


two questions :

do you supply a cd of sp2 to australians (and if you do,
where / how do i get it and is it free)?


if i download all the various components (272 MB on dial
-up!) is there a means of saving them to burn to cd for
personal use when i reinstall windows xp again ?

let's face it, if you like to keep our system humming then
a clean install is a must every so often, and i don't want
to have to go online unprotected to download protection

* ash said:
let's face it, if you like to keep our system humming then
a clean install is a must every so often, and i don't want
to have to go online unprotected to download protection


Why? Why is it necessary to have to do a clean install every so often?
Its true unfortinuatly with Windows but theres no good reason as to why.

Why? Why is it necessary to have to do a clean install
every so often?
Its true unfortinuatly with Windows but theres no good reason as to why.


um, crap in the registry / orphan programs / fragmentation
- all the "tools" in the world can't tidy up what is sadly
not the world's most efficient operating system

and as my linux debian skills aren't that hot, and as i use
a lot of proprietary ware that requires windows, a clean
reinstall is the best option (for now)

everyone needs the practice anyway :-)
Were you to do a search in Google, you would find all of the tools to clear
up anomalies in XP without the need to reinstall..
-----Original Message-----
Were you to do a search in Google, you would find all of the tools to clear
up anomalies in XP without the need to reinstall..

if i had a lifetime to spare

:-) ash
Your use of general statements suggest that you listen to the myths and
dogma a little too much.. typing 'spyware' into a google search box reveals

Results 1 - 10 of about 7,890,000 for spyware. (0.22 seconds)

Hardly a lifetime

Typing 'registry cleaners' gives this result..

Results 1 - 10 of about 151,000 for registry cleaners. (1.11 seconds)

Now how long does it take to go into BIOS, promote cdrom to first boot
device, reboot, go throught the entire reload process, add all critical
updates, reload all applications, setup internet connection and mail,
personbalize everything again.. that is what I call a lifetime..

The great thing about finding, loading and using the tools is that you can
'clean' your system daily instead of sitting there, watching your system
slow up until it is finally 'that time' to start over..

Your call..