SP1 rescued over SP2


Robin Murphy


Yesterday I used a system rescue disk to fix a problem with my sound
drivers. The type of rescue was a non-destructive one - one that keeps
all your files and programs but re-installs the original operating
system and pre-installed software.I was running SP2 before the install
and the rescue CD i have has installed SP1. Now the computer seems to
be running a bit of both SP1 and SP2. I can't start the system restore
program because the System Restore service keeps failing to start. I
can't do a complete install/uninstall of SP2 because the Microsoft
Installer Service also fails to start. I also get numerous errors at
start up with processes that are used by my antivirus and printer.
Could anybody suggest a way to fix this, maybe to install/reinstall SP2
without needing the MSI Service?


Will Denny


Have you been Windows Update since using an XP SP1 CD? You may find some
Critical/Security Updated are now needed in prefernce to the SP1 files.

Robin Murphy

I can't get to the windows update site because only my Firefox browser
works not IE (I think it must be the wrong version sp1-sp2?)

Steve N.

Robin said:

Yesterday I used a system rescue disk to fix a problem with my sound
drivers. The type of rescue was a non-destructive one - one that keeps
all your files and programs but re-installs the original operating
system and pre-installed software.I was running SP2 before the install
and the rescue CD i have has installed SP1. Now the computer seems to
be running a bit of both SP1 and SP2. I can't start the system restore
program because the System Restore service keeps failing to start. I
can't do a complete install/uninstall of SP2 because the Microsoft
Installer Service also fails to start. I also get numerous errors at
start up with processes that are used by my antivirus and printer.
Could anybody suggest a way to fix this, maybe to install/reinstall SP2
without needing the MSI Service?


Do a repair install of XP using a slipstreamed XP CD with SP2:



Robin Murphy

I can't use auto slipstream because my windows installer service isnt
working. I get the message "The Windows Installer Service could not be
accessed. This can occour if you are running ion safe mode or if the
Windows INstaller is not correctly installed."

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