sp 4

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kobus Botes
  • Start date Start date

Kobus Botes

It seems that this service pak 4 is a major problem. I am
the floor manager for a trading comp. and is always
updating for secerity resons. and after I down loaded this
sp4 we can not acces word the pc keeps on restarting. if
any body found the remedy please contact me.
I am having the same problem as you all only worse. My
computer keeps on restarting, only I cannot get into
windows at all. I tried safe mode and all the other
options in the F8 menu and nothing worked. I finally
tried to boot using the cd and that game me an error on
the file called apci.sys. My computer just keeps
restarting over and over again and it started doing it
during the intallation of sp4. Please help.