stewart said:
After the install XP say,s it is going to re-boot.
That it does.
And re-boot, and re-boot, and re-boot.
Anyway to stop the cycling and actually get into XP?
- Safe Mode?
- Last Known Good Configuration?
- Safe Mode + System Restore?
- Safe Mode + Uninstall the pre-release service pack?
- Re-image your test machine and better prepare it for SP3?
That assumes, of course, that you have followed the common sense method of
_not_ installing pre-release (beta) software onto a 'production' machine and
have backed up completely before applying any pre-release (beta) software so
that loss of data is not a concern. If you have not done this - image the
machine with your favorite imaging software now (one that has a utility that
allows you to read/copy things from the image file(s) directly) and copy
your data out and rebuild your machine from scratch and put your data back
and consider this a lesson learned about what you should/should not do to a
'production' machine. ;-)