Mike C
I would like the source object of my sub form to change
based on an option the user selects. Here is some code I
set up in an on click event of one of the options.
Main Form: frm_Main_Detail
Sub Form : frm_Detail
The two sub forms I would to switch around
are "frm_OS_Detail" and "frm_INT_Detail". Any help or
suggestions would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
Private Sub op_os_Click()
op_os.Value = True
If op_os.Value = True Then
op_int.Value = False
End If
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = [Forms]![frm_Main_Detail]![frm_Detail]
frm.SourceObject = "frm_OS_Detail"
End Sub
based on an option the user selects. Here is some code I
set up in an on click event of one of the options.
Main Form: frm_Main_Detail
Sub Form : frm_Detail
The two sub forms I would to switch around
are "frm_OS_Detail" and "frm_INT_Detail". Any help or
suggestions would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
Private Sub op_os_Click()
op_os.Value = True
If op_os.Value = True Then
op_int.Value = False
End If
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = [Forms]![frm_Main_Detail]![frm_Detail]
frm.SourceObject = "frm_OS_Detail"
End Sub