Jim Hubbard said:
Thanks for the links so far.......but does anyone have more advanced code?
I'm looking for code examples like mirror drivers in .Net or defragging in
.Net....that type of thing. Perhaps coding mirror drivers for a LAN
remote pc application cannot be done in .Net....but, I thought that .Net
was supposed to be the successor to C++. Am I wrong about that?
No .NET (a marketing term really) is not the successor of anything like a
programming language. C++ is a programming language and what you call .NET
covers a framework that can be used to build general purpose user
applications, running in top of the so called CLR (or CLI in Ecma parlance).
There are numerous (managed) programming languages that target the framework
like: C#, VB.NET, ME C++, JScript and C++/CLI to name a few. None of them
are however meant to replace C++, while the "managed" languages may have
several advantages over native C++, depending on the problem domain, a lot
of programming task can't (or shouldn't) be done using any of them. The
problem is not directly the language per se , it's more related to the
managed environment (the Common Language Runtime).
One of the programming domains for which you can't use .NET (any language)
are drivers (any kind), here the only supported language is C++ (or lower
Other domains not targeted by .NET are high performance servers (aka.
Databases, mail servers), High performance desktop application (CAD/CAM,
Imaging etc...) kernel OS components, system libraries, runtime libraries
Note that C++ is part of the Visual Studio offering and VS2005 includes the
latest version supporting native C++ as well as C++CLI.