Well, I finally did it!
Changed my Windows 98SE to XP, that is.
Several small gliches which showed up after the upgrade were resolved with a bit
of "stick-to-it-iveness".
One problem I seem to be unable to resolve:
I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows",
"Exit Windows" etc.
In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"
tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".
If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds
associated with them, and give the proper sound.
"wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player.
Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK.
What am I overlooking in resolving this problem?
John <><
A wise monkey is a monkey who doesn't monkey
with an other monkey's monkey.
Changed my Windows 98SE to XP, that is.
Several small gliches which showed up after the upgrade were resolved with a bit
of "stick-to-it-iveness".
One problem I seem to be unable to resolve:
I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows",
"Exit Windows" etc.
In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"
tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".
If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds
associated with them, and give the proper sound.
"wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player.
Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK.
What am I overlooking in resolving this problem?
John <><
A wise monkey is a monkey who doesn't monkey
with an other monkey's monkey.