Sounds and messing up my PPP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lorrie White
  • Start date Start date

Lorrie White

Help! I'm going out of my mind. Using 2002 XP - I
prepared a presentation of about 65 slides. I have put
music into the entire presentation, of various types but
mostly .mid's. The first 25 slides play beautifully.
Then I get to a slide (ramdom between 26-40) that will
either not transit or the animation doesn't work or
something else is wrong. If I stop the presentation and
play the the presentation from that point
forward...everything works just doesn't play all
the way through when it is started from the beginning????
The 40th through 65th slides play just fine. I can't get
this mid-section to run properly. I need to put the
presentation on a CD for distribution with and automatic
launch. I think I can figure that part out...but
cananyone tell me why my presenation won't play from start
to end with this sound.

Thanks - Lorrie
I went to that site and it indicated that the Service
Pack that you suggested needed to be loaded but could not
be loaded because updates are being controlled by our
Administrator. I've asked him to release the update for
my computer.

My presentation is 34.3 MB. I have been working on this
presentation for weeks and weeks. There were no Random
transitions until yesterday....out of frustration I just
picked "Random" because I was tired of making decisions!
Is that bad or what? I was just a blank page. Is it
good to have random transitions? I'll take them out if
-----Original Message-----
You should first go to and get
I would never use random transition effects. One reason is that there are a
couple of transition effects that cause problems on some systems. Fade thru
black is one of them and should be avoided at all costs. Generally, using
the same transition effect throughout a presentation is much less

Let us know if the Service Pack helps too.