SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio



I recently have had troubles with my audio. My speakers turn on but I get a
message that SoundMAX cannot start (Code 10). I have tried uninstalling and
reinstalling but it still does not work. Do I need to replace the video card
in my computer or is it something else?


Hi Jake,

Is the soundMAX intergrated into your motherboard, open up the case and make
a note of the make and model of your motherboard, then look on the
motherboard manufacturers website, there should be updated drivers there for
you to download. You can also get drivers from the manufacturer of your PC

Brian A.

SoundMax integrated digital audio is not a sound card/adapter, it is
integrated into a chip on your motherboard. Many Intel mobo's use SoundMax
integrated chips, although you may not have an Intel mobo you may have an Intel
chip. If it is you can get the original or updated drivers from the Intel site
depending on the age of your mobo/chip.

If it is not an Intel then you'll need to check the machine manufacturers site
or the motherboard manufacturers site for drivers. To get info on your system:
Everest Home Edition(Free):

Create a new folder named Everest and extract the contents of the download to
that folder.
Open the folder and double-click everest.exe to run the application.

Click the + next to Computer.
Click Summary.
Look in the section named Display for the installed chip/adapter.

Go to the manufacturers Support > Download site and download the proper drivers
for your device. As well download or print any Readme/Install file if it is
available separately, it may be included in the downloadable driver file instead
of separately. Install the drivers per the manufacturers instructions.

If you happen to get stuck somewhere along the line and need further help:

Run Everest.

Click the + next to Computer.
Click Summary.
Right click in the right pane and in the popup menu click “Copy Allâ€.
Start a response in this thread.
Right click in the email text window and in the popup menu click “Pasteâ€.
Send the response.

Another thing you could try if this is a recent issue, is to try a Restore:
Click Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.
Make sure "Restore my computer to......" is selected and click next.
Select a date prior to the problem and follow the prompts.

You could also try to roll back or update the driver.
Right click MyComputer.
Click Properties > Hardware tab > Device Manager button.
Expand Sound, Video and Game Controllers.
Double click SoundMax integrated digital audio to open its properties.
Click the Driver tab > Update button.
Select "No, not this time" and click Next.
Select "Install the software automatically" and click next.
Windows will search and install the drivers if they are present on the HD.
If that fails you could try to Rollback.

Also try a search on the HD in c:program files for any audio setup files that
may be present.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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