soundmax drivers on intel d865perl board

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vincent
  • Start date Start date


Hi, Vista RC2 downloaded drivers for my soundmax card. They appear to be
installed properly (no exclamation points in DM) Problem is I can't get any
sound. This has been a problem over every build of vista I have installed.
Any suggestions. Does anyone have this working on this particular board or
anything similar? The board I use is listed in the subject. Thank
you. -Vincent.
I have that board, and sound is working fine for me (RC2, build 5744). I
don't remember whether Vista installed the drivers, or I installed drivers
downloaded from Intel - I think the latter.

- Dennis Brothers
Neither of those options work for me. It taunts me by displaying the
equalizer properly too! Something must be working! I've tried a different
pair of speakers, playing with all of the options in the Sound control
panel, searching through newsgroups. I have a feeling it's an easy
solution. There's not even a hiss in the speakers... oh and I definitely
have it plugged in to the correct sound port on the back of the
computer...any ideas?
Well, thinking back, I did in fact install the downloaded Intel drivers (I
remember the in-your-face, full-screen, Analog Devices installer). After
rebooting, it insisted on configuring inputs and outputs - I did the minimum
"yes, I have speakers, now go away".

I haven't played with the sound controls (and I'm on a different system
right now, so I can't check), but I get all the expected sound outputs
through the active speaker system plugged into line out.

I did briefly lose audio output when my Way2Call HiPhone was installed, and
it took over the default audio output function (kinda stupid, I think), but
a quick visit to the sound control panel widget fixed that.

- Dennis Brothers
Okay, reading more thoroughly and thinking harder about your problem, I can
think of four reasons for your sound not working:

1. You don't have the right drivers (see my previous posts).

2. Your speakers are hosed (blown, not powered, bad cable, whatever) (did
you get sound under a previous OS?).

3. Your motherboard is hosed (see #2).

4. The computer gods are crapping on you, and it won't work until you wipe
your hard drive and install retail Vista sometime in 2007.

The actual cause of your problem is undoubtedly #5.

Good luck -
- Dennis Brothers
Thanks for your help Dennis...
1. I've installed the soundmax drivers from Windows Update as well as from
2. Yes, I had sound using XP.
3. I guess, but it seems like too much of a coincidence that right after I
install Vista I have no sound...
4. I was wondering what that brown stain was...

Any other suggestions? At least you have the same board as me and got it to
work, that's somewhat comforting...
Dennis, What firmware revision are you on?
Vincent said:
Thanks for your help Dennis...
1. I've installed the soundmax drivers from Windows Update as well as from
2. Yes, I had sound using XP.
3. I guess, but it seems like too much of a coincidence that right after I
install Vista I have no sound...
4. I was wondering what that brown stain was...

Any other suggestions? At least you have the same board as me and got it
work, that's somewhat comforting...