John said:
Anyone knows of a freeware that allow to record in MID format (or
transfer from MP3, Wav etc ... to MID format ?
A small download of a Shareware is also ok as it is for use - probably -
one time. Any info welcome and thanks...
John & Su,
It's considered very bad form to post HTML to a text only
newsgroup. Also, this group is for the discussion of freeware only.
Inviting shareware discussion is not a good idea. If you want
shareware, please post your request to
As I found on one site, "WAV (or other digital audio) to MIDI
conversions are an inexact science at best, and pure guesswork at
worst." And from what I've seen (just spent the last 45 minutes
scouring the internet for you), the only freeware for doing what you
want is converter 1.4:
and it's a DOS program.
Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.
Because Andy Mabbett is stalking me in this group, I have him killfiled.