PC is a vague term. iPhone, iPhone and Android are being called smart
devices, but they are actually PCs...
Amazing how Google's News feed, notably their TECH News Section,
concurs these days, among choices of inclusion for technological
advancements better to round-out the present application of computer
sciences. Between virtually all, effectively, portable applications
and platforms, GOOG heartily espouses, interspersed no less in an
underpinning of esoterically luxury cars, of course equipped with the
latest micro-architecture, no less discriminatingly a step above Smart
Cars, per se. . .I suppose, it really wouldn't seem, hardly at all, a
small matter how I find time, now and then, to step aside and look
elsewhere among places, as such MIT's newsletters, for a more direct
focus on PC hardware. ...Heavy Iron, withstanding, alas.