If you've got 80 GB of memory, that's the problem, Pancake.

You have
an 80 GB hard drive. If you right-click My Computer and select Properties,
the first page will tell you what RAM (random access memory) you have, along
with the processor and its speed.
If you're not having problems with other system sounds, I would first look
up the web site for the game you purchased and see if they've got a support
section or possible updates to the game itself. The sound may be a known
problem, and fixed with a simple download. If they have a support section
(some even have support message boards) you could ask the question there.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -
pancake2223 said:
I am an architectual design major and am lost when it comes to computers.
I have a sony vaio with 80 GB of memory, Pentium IV processor, and who knows
what else. I recently bought a game for my son and the sound is really
fast. It sounds like a large record being played on the speed for the
smaller records. How do I fix this problem. My operating system is Windows