Windows XP Sound device - recording N/A stereo mix

Feb 6, 2006
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I want to record from my stereo mix like on every computer I've ever had, but I don't have this option. I've been all through the control panel sound setup and everything and the stereo mix and SW Synth is not a recording option. Do I have to install a third party patch for this (like cakewalk pyro)?
Trying updating your drivers m8. Optionally just the normal line out should give you the benefit too really. Depends on the sound card your using!
I tried the line out already and it didn't work. I know everything is up to date because I updated the drivers, but what is my audio's m8?
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No. This is what I've got
Enable the line in in the playback Volume control.

Click on options >> properties >> advanced, make sure 'playback' is checked then tick the line in box.