sound device for just voip

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problems are preventing this call. i am really confused with this vista. Also
i tried to install XP, but it says to check my hard ware,ooops, i am goin
vikasnm said:

To whom are you talking and about what?
The "forum" that you are posting in leaches off the Microsoft News servers
in order to make it look far busier than it really is. Everyone who uses the
MS News servers sees your post on it's own - we have NO IDEA what you are
talking about and to whom you are talking.

If you MUST continue to post in this "forum" then please at least quote the
post you are replying to.

You would be far better off however, using a news reader and subscribing to
these news groups direct.

Setting up Outlook Express/Windows Mail to access Microsoft newsgroups

Accessing the MS newsgroups in Outlook Express/Windows Mail Newsreader

Thank you