When I go to the device manager and look under "sound
video and game controllers" there is a whole list of
tings like ATI TV Wonder Audio Capture" and Audio codec
When I right click on properties for these things they
say "the device is functioning properly" which is BS they
are not working at all. There is no sound.
When I go to control panel and click on sounds and audio
devices under volume it says that their is "no audio
device." Under audio it says "default device" no playback
"Sound Recording"-no recording device
"MIDI music playback" - no midi playback device
Under the voice tab, for "voice playback" -no playback
under voice recording-no recording devices
So somehow the device manager thinks there is sound but
their is obviously not.
Codec is short for CO-mpression/DEC-ompression. Multimedia files are
compressed (and encoded). When played, they are decompressed in memory.
There are various types of compression for the various types of multimedia
- video, sound, movies and so on. So all of those "Codec" items are
software based that are installed on your system. They are ready and
waiting ("working" in Device Manager terms) for some audio hardware to use.
Your main audio device is your onboard chip - the one you mentioned having
before. You need drivers installed for this - check with HP for those
drivers if you do not have them on any of the CDs or disks that came with
your computer. I've had HPs in the past and looking up the model on the
tech support pages of their site, should hook you up to any drivers they
have available for downloading. If those available do not include sound,
you'll want to talk to HP tech support for directions on getting the needed
drivers off of your HP system disks.
You also have audio features on the TV card. These would come into play
only when using features from that card. There might be a connector that
needs to go from that card to the motherboard to "hook up" with that
builtin sound chip. Or the TV card may handle sound digitally. Any drivers
for this card would be separate from those needed for the builtin chip.