Son Of Spy
I have to say I'm pretty disgusted with the divisory threads I've seen
in the past month and a half on acf. People know which side I stand on
regarding this ad and spyware feces some people are trying to foist off
as being somehow related to freeware.
That being said here are 33 new apps for your enjoyment. If you have a
friend whose desktop always looks cooler than yours try out
Madotate...they'll be green with envy..
Adingod Bar ~150Kb
ADingOD BAR stays on top of other windows and displays a large amount of
vital information about your system: * date and time * system resources *
free space on any disk With a mouse click you can: * run programs * set an
alarm * view the calendar * exit Windows
AllSnap ~387Kb
AllSnap is a small system tray app that makes all top level windows
automatically align like they do in programs such as Winamp or Photoshop
BeSweet ~450Kb
BeSweet is an audio transcoding tool. it lets you convert audio files from
one format to another. supported formats : MP3,AC3,WAV,MP2,AVI,Aiff,VOB,Ogg
Vorbis. BeSweet also includes some nice signal processing features : -
One-pass & Two-pass Normalization. Dynamic Range Compression. - Sample-Rate
Conversion. Frame-Rate Conversion (NTSC to PAL, etc'..) - Partial Encoding
of long streams. Splitting & Merging audio streams. - Extraction of audio
streams from AVI & VOBs. - Delay Correction. Silence Insertion. - Support
for external plugins. The whole transcoding process is done with
floating-point arithmethics, reaching high-quality encodes. No
intermediate, temporary, files are being created by BeSweet while running.
saving precious disk space. Potential usage of BeSweet : - Encoding music
to MP3, Ogg Vorbis. - Encoding movie soundtracks for DVD, SVCD, VCD, AVI,
OGM. - Decoding compressed tracks in order to burn AUDIO CDs. - Transcoding
compressed tracks in order to burn DolbyDigital CDs. You Need AC3Machine:
49Kb http://dspguru.notrace.dk/AC3Machinev0.41.zip and the GUI: 174Kb
http://dspguru.notrace.dk/BeSweetGUI0.6b61.zip Guides:
Calendar Painter *Beta~1.6Mb
is a picture calendar builder and printer progam providing several calendar
designs. Any bitmap image can be added (even via Drag and Drop) to a month
and any color can be selected for the month frame and week days. The
calendar can be saved so it is possible to reuse it. Additionally,
CalendarPainter offers some features that other programs of this type often
do not provide: * 1, 3 or 12 months / page calendars * 6 Steps calendar
creator wizard * Holiday and birthday support * Compression for the
calendar files * Portrait & landscape format printing * Bitmap and JPEG
support * Free color and font selection * Detailed help file
Cam Studio v2.6 ~1.3Mb
RenderSoft CamStudio is a tool used for recording screen activity into
standard AVI video files. If you move the cursor, launch a new program,
type some text, click a few buttons, or select some menus -- anything that
you see on your screen -- CamStudio will be able to record all these and
allow you to play them back later on.
You can use CamStudio to develop videos to demonstrate features of a new
software, for creating movies used in user training, for tracking the
progress of a program that executes for a long time, or for recording the
sequence of steps that cause the occurrence of bugs in faulty software.
CMenuExtender ~207Kb
CMenuExtender is a shell extension that lets the user add items to the
Explorer contextmenu. Using any registry-editor or the supplied GUI, the
user can add submenus and items such as shortcuts to programs, documents,
folders, webpages and scripts. CMExt also has some predefined commands for
copying, moving and retrieving information on files and directories.
CopyCat ~655Kb
Copycat is a clipboard utility for those with more than one computer. When
you copy text into your clipboard, Copycat will automatically transfer it
to the clipboards of the machines that you have chosen. Copycat saves
valuable time and energy by eliminating the need to manually copy text into
every computer's clipboard!
DefragToShutdown ~816Kb
Defrag_to_shutdown launches the Windows Defrag program with three options
and with the function to shutdown or reboot the computer after Defrag has
finished. There is an additional option for advanced users to optimize
system and hidden files and command line parameter function has been added
in version 1.5. Not for use in Windows XP, Windows 2000(Pro) or Windows NT.
DivX Player v2.5 ~3.5Mb
DVDShrink ~367Kb
DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD disks. You can use this software in
conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy
of any DVD video disk. DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! The output from DVD
Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive, which you can then burn to a
DVD-R using separate burning software, such as the software provided with
your DVD-R drive
Erunt ~575Kb
For NT/2K/XP. Finally, a tool to back up the Win XP Registry! (Microsoft
didn’t include one with Win XP itself.) Written by Lars Hederer. Read his
detailed information for the complete story. The current download bundle
also includes Lars’ NTRegOpt tool, so you don’t have to download this
Explorer Menu Extension ~722Kb
Remember DMEX Menu? One of the greatest shell extensions ever made...Here's
the updated improved version by the same author. Explorer Menu Extension
enhances Windows Explorer by adding several useful functions. Once
installed, these extensions let you rename and change the date of multiple
files at once, select files by masks and wildcards, create subdirectories
with only one mouse click, and open a DOS window using the current
directory. The program also expands partial tree branches, substitutes
local directories as drives (in Windows NT only), and opens multiple
Windows Explorers side by side.
EZPop ~1.1Mb
Don't bother checking your e-mail accounts. Ezpop will do it for you in the
background Have you mail ? The empty box in the window will change into a
you got mail box. Of course, you can associate your favourite sound (we're
somewhat partial to "Doh !"), or even run EzPop in the systray and make it
pop up when you got mail. Make EzPop looks like anything you want EzPop is
skinnable. It means you can change its look and choose whatever you fancy.
Six gorgeous skins are included, and you will find lots more on the web.
And if you don't find this elusive cow-shaped skin you want to go with your
custom-made MS Plus Themeâ„¢, well... design it yourself ! Try it, it's
easy and you'll like it ! You got mail ? I got news ! Between checks, EzPop
brings news right on your desktop. The default news server is Glabouni,
official site for EzPop skins. New skins, updates, new skinnable software :
you'll be the first one to know ! In months to come, a lot of servers will
be added to let you choose what you want to read. That's the nice thing
with customizable software : choice. Read your mail in EzPop. Easier and
quicker than launching your e-mail client every ten minutes. Want a quick
look at this message you just received ? Double-click on the mailbox and a
window will open to let you read it. You can even reply from this window,
save the attachments, or delete the message ! Forget the SPAM Tired of
these "Make $$$$$ in your sleep" messages ? With its filtering feature,
EzPop will delete them on the server. You can also say goodbye to these
huuuuge attachments sent by your aunt May who doesn't seem to understand
the difference between a 20 Kb image and a 2 Mb file. Set the max size to
300 Kb (or whatever you choose) and save your time and bandwith. Write/Load
notes with EzPop and forget the Notepad Do you need to note something ? A
phone number, an appointment reminder ? Don't bother searching for some
program lost in the Start Menu. When you don't have mail, the EzPop message
window becomes a quick-and-easy notepad.
Foldersizes V1.3 ~1.9Mb
FolderSizes shows how your drive space is being utilized visually. It can
analyze individual folders or entire hard drives quickly and efficiently,
and show you the results in an intuitive way. Similar program: DiskData,
also on these pages. Last Freeware version.
GNUWin II ~734Mb
GNUWin II includes numerous programs, completely free, which cover a wide
spectrum of uses. The complete application list, sorted by type, is
available here. The software included in GNUWin is not shareware nor
freeware, but original free software and Open Source software, for which
the source code is available, and that is and will always be free (free
both as in "free speech", and as in "free beer"). Most programs included in
this CD are also available for free and Open Source operating systems, such
as GNU/Linux, BSD, etc. Program list here:
Hamsin Clipboard ~48Kb
A three-in-one easy-to-use clipboard extension utility that allows: -
tracking clipboard history of the last ten clips which can be later
returned back to the clipboard or directly pasted into applications, -
pasting several copied clips automatically one after another or merged
together, - saving favorite or commonly used clips for future pasting. The
interface is very simple - all the functions are accessible from any
application via hotkeys and/or a pop-up menu invoked by a hotkey or a tray
icon. All the hotkeys and the menu are customizable. Adding new clips to
the history can be suspended so that undesired clips do not clutter the
HTMOpener ~6.9Kb
These days everyone has a CD burner. These devices have improved the ease
and quality of data backups tremedously, and they're great for music CDs as
well. In addition to such personal uses, there's no reason why you can't
create a professional quality presentation CD. Harnessing the incredibly
broad capabilities of HTML should be easy. Simply create your presentation
in HTML format, like you would any web page, complete with text and images,
and even with movies and javascripting if you wish, then place the entire
HTML structure on a CD. The problem is, how do you get it to launch
automatically in the user's computer? HTMopener.exe is a tiny executable
that you can "call" with the autorun.inf file placed in the root directory
of your CD. It will launch your HTML file and your presentation is
available to users just like that. Use the following syntax when creating
your autorun.inf file: [autorun] OPEN=HTMopener
\directory\presentation.html Change to the appropriate path on the CD, and
rename presentation.html to whatever you've named your HTML file. The
easiest way to use HTMopener.exe is to place it in the root directory of
the CD, but you can place it in a subdirectory if you like. Just change the
path to HTMopener.exe accordingly. An example might be: [autorun]
OPEN=\Subdirectory\HTMopener \directory\presentation.html Considering the
space available on a CD for graphics and movies, and the speed with which
your computer can access a virtual web site locally (on a CD ROM, not over
some crackly phone line, through some dawg-ass slow modem) you should be
able to create some magnificent presentations. HTMopener.exe is the key
which allows you to spring your creative genius upon the world.
Madotate v2 ~401Kb
Madotate lets you add a new button to the left of the minimize button of
each open window, allowing you to flip a window up with its lower half
receding into the distance. Thus, you can store your windows flattened near
the top of the screen like stacked window panes, each with its own title
tab. The program runs as a convenient icon in the System Tray area of the
Windows taskbar. You gottat see this
http://www.ksky.ne.jp/~seahorse/mtate2/mtimage_20030217.jpg English
translation of Readme:
MinMaxExtender v1.21 ~197Kb
adds four new buttons to the title bars of your windows, letting you make a
window stay on top, minimize to the System Tray, and more. This utility
adds functions for advanced window management. Using four new buttons in
the title bar, you can make a window stay on top, maximize horizontally and
vertically, and minimize to the System Tray area of the Windows taskbar.
You can have it optionally ignore dialog boxes and message boxes,
toolboxes, and transparent windows. MinMaxExtender runs as a convenient
icon in the System Tray area of the Windows taskbar, and can run
automatically at Windows Startup.
Move A Pic v2.0 ~1.4Mb
View your picture, sound and movie files and easily move them into any
folder you wish. Move-A-Pic makes it easy to put your pictures into
categories. Easy to learn and fully customizable. *This is a slow server,
but you should count yourself lucky that this can be downloaded at all!
MP3ext ~921Kb
MP3Ext is an extension for the Windows Explorer. It enhances it, so you can
get information in many ways: * A PropertyPage is installed, where you can
fully edit the ID3-Tag * An icon-handler for individual icons is included
too * Tooltips, when you simply leave the mouse over the MP3-file (only
with IE4.0 Active Desktop)
Mpxplay ~347Kb
is a DOS based (32-bit) audio player. Supported filetypes: - Audio MPEG
Layer II/III (MP2,MP3) by www.mpg123.de - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) by
www.audiocoding.com - Dolby AC-3 (AC3) by ess.engr.uvic.ca/~aholtzma/ac3
and www.dolby.com - Monkey's Audio (APE) by www.monkeysaudio.com -
Musepack/MPEGPlus (MPC) by www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp - Ogg Vorbis (OGG) by
www.xiph.org - Uncompressed WAV - Audio CD ripp'n'play (CDW) Implemented
functions: - support of the well-known soundcards (SB16,ESS,WSS,GUS,SBpro)
- control with keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port - playlist support
(m3u,pls), drive and directory scan - useful playlist related functions
(sorting,filtering,on-screen editing) - fast forward and rewind (seeking),
between the songs too - cross-fade songs in real time - automatic volume
correction; surround, speed (freq) control - LCD-display handling (click
here to get more infos) - ID3 tag editor and list maker (list->id3tag,
id3tag->list) - LFN (long filenames) support under Win9x and DOS (with LFN
emulator) - input buffer with interrupt decoder (it solves the CD-read errors)
My Old Safe v2.1 ~710Kb
"My Old Safe" software from Sundance Software Technologies offers the user
a quick and easy way to secure computer files from prying eyes. Whether it
happens to be a private spreadsheet, a resume, photograph, or any other
file you don't want to be available to others on your P.C., "My Old Safe"
offers a reasonably high level of security for most computer users. Using
My Old Safe is as simple as locating the file name in the right side
window, dragging it onto the safe and dropping it in. You will be prompted
for a password, and verification, and your file will be encrypted and
compressed. Opening file simply requires reversing the process.
PopFile ~2.4Mb
POPFile is an automatic mail classification tool. Once properly set up and
trained, it will work in the background of your computer, scanning mail as
it arrives and filing it however you wish. You can give it a simple job,
like separating out junk e-mail, or a complicated one - like filing mail
into a dozen folders. Think of it as a personal assistant for your inbox.
ProxyPal ~264Kb
Ever think that it takes way too many clicks to turn your Internet Explorer
proxy on and off? Me too so I wrote ProxyPal. After installing ProxyPal,
just add it to your IE toolbar and you have one click access to toggle your
proxy. This is very useful for corporate latptops that connect to the
Internet away from work. Install ProxyPal today to put an end to
seven-clicking your proxy on and off!
Ragtime Solo v5.61 ~50Mb
RagTime Solo is the freeware version of RagTime DTP and is available for
Mac and Windows. As most DTP programs it is not so easy to get started with
the program, but it is a good product and there is a starters guide
available for download. The huge download is worthwhile! Update to 5.62:
Help Manual:
Shutdown.exe ~14Kb
For WinXP. Small commandline utility that makes it a breeze to log off,
shutdown, restart, hibernate, or put in stand-by mode your Win XP computer.
It’s the only utility I know that shuts down Win XP and then reliably
powers off the computer. For a further description of the program, s type
SHUTDOWN /? at your command prompt after putting this in C:\. By MS-MVP
Andrej Budja.
Solar Screensaver ~1.2Mb
A new computer screen saver made available by the European Space Agency now
allows computer users to watch spectacular, almost real-time images of our
Sun. The images, coming directly from 1.5 million kilometres away in space,
will flash on your computer screen courtesy of ESA's Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO). Every time your screen saver kicks in it will look, via
the Internet, for the most recent images SOHO has sent to scientists. A few
seconds, and the show begins. You will be able to witness exciting events
as they happen on our star: huge expulsions of matter that scientists call
Coronal Mass Ejections; sunspots, now growing in number as the Sun reaches
the peak of activity in its 11-year cycle; and even the demise of the
so-called sun-grazing comets, as they disappear forever into our star. Now,
give a rest to your computer and enjoy the show live from the Sun.
Spamihilator ~566Kb
Spamihilator works between your Email-Client-Software and the Internet and
examines every incoming eMail. Useless spam mails (Junk) will be filtered
out. This process works completely in the background. The new Learning
Filter (Bayesian Filter) uses the rules of Thomas Bayes (english
mathematician, 18th century) and calculates a certain Spam-Probability for
every eMail. You can train this filter! So it will know your messages even
better than you and continuously increase the recognition rate. In addition
Spamihilator uses a Word-Filter, that searches messages for known keywords.
Of course, Spamihilator supports Plugins. These useful additional filters
protect your system against annoying Spam-Messages. The program runs with
almost every Email-Software, such as Outlook 2000/XP/Express, Eudora,
Mozilla, Netscape, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Phoenix Mail, Opera, etc...
SystemLock ~156Kb
System Lock allows you to lock your desktop so that no other users may use
your computer. Windows NT/2000 already comes with this capability, but what
about Windows 98 & ME? System Lock contains numerous Options for security
and appearance. It also has a unique protection system in that, if your
computer is restarted or a power failure causes your machine to reboot,
System Lock will automatically lock the system on restarting, so that you
computer will remain locked. This option is of course only an option, and
every user may not need this option. Warning: System Lock can be VERY
EASILY bypassed in Windows NT, 2000 and XP. It is NOT RECOMMENDED that you
use System Lock with these operating systems
TotalCopy ~89Kb
Adds a new copy item to the right-drag menu of Explorer. During a copy or
move operation you can now set a speed limit, pause and resume, and have
much better statistics on what's happening. Total Copy is particularly
useful for network shares, also speeds up the entire copy operation...
WinAmpAC3 91Kb
This program is a Winamp 2.x input plugin to play .ac3 files. Based on the
same decoder library used in AC3Filter. * Full AC3 standard compliance. *
S/P DIF passthrough support. * Decode MPEG2 PES streams. * Multichannel
output support. * LFE support. * Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) support. *
Overflow control and automatic gain control. * Gain levels control. *
Bitstream information (channel format, bitrate, sample rate, coupling freq
and maximun freq). * Input/output levels. * Matrix mixer with direct
control of mixing matrix. * Stereo to multichannel mixing. *
DolbySurround/ProLogic/ProLogicII downmixing. * Delays for each channel. *
Xmpeg v5.02 ~1.8Mb
XMPEG is a high quality converter based on lossless MPEG/AC3 decoders. It
exports video and audio frames through an Adobe Premiere interface. To keep
the maximum quality of your film, XMPEG use the best algorithms (HQ Bicubic
0, 0.75) for its filters. The plugins furnished in this package allow you
to create your own DivX, DVD, SVCD with the maximum output quality. A
wizard allow you to do your back in a minimum of time, and without any
experience. ASPI required for Win98
Son Of Spy
CPU Magazine March '03 Issue:
Son Of Spy's comprehensive list of more
than 1,600 freeware solutions is legendary.
. --- . . - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ SOS \ __ / Freeware - - - - - -
/ / \ ( ) / - - - - -
/ / / / / / / \/ \ - - - -
/ / / / / / / : : - - -
/ / / / / ' ' - -
/ / //..\\
' '' '
I have to say I'm pretty disgusted with the divisory threads I've seen
in the past month and a half on acf. People know which side I stand on
regarding this ad and spyware feces some people are trying to foist off
as being somehow related to freeware.
That being said here are 33 new apps for your enjoyment. If you have a
friend whose desktop always looks cooler than yours try out
Madotate...they'll be green with envy..
Adingod Bar ~150Kb
ADingOD BAR stays on top of other windows and displays a large amount of
vital information about your system: * date and time * system resources *
free space on any disk With a mouse click you can: * run programs * set an
alarm * view the calendar * exit Windows
AllSnap ~387Kb
AllSnap is a small system tray app that makes all top level windows
automatically align like they do in programs such as Winamp or Photoshop
BeSweet ~450Kb
BeSweet is an audio transcoding tool. it lets you convert audio files from
one format to another. supported formats : MP3,AC3,WAV,MP2,AVI,Aiff,VOB,Ogg
Vorbis. BeSweet also includes some nice signal processing features : -
One-pass & Two-pass Normalization. Dynamic Range Compression. - Sample-Rate
Conversion. Frame-Rate Conversion (NTSC to PAL, etc'..) - Partial Encoding
of long streams. Splitting & Merging audio streams. - Extraction of audio
streams from AVI & VOBs. - Delay Correction. Silence Insertion. - Support
for external plugins. The whole transcoding process is done with
floating-point arithmethics, reaching high-quality encodes. No
intermediate, temporary, files are being created by BeSweet while running.
saving precious disk space. Potential usage of BeSweet : - Encoding music
to MP3, Ogg Vorbis. - Encoding movie soundtracks for DVD, SVCD, VCD, AVI,
OGM. - Decoding compressed tracks in order to burn AUDIO CDs. - Transcoding
compressed tracks in order to burn DolbyDigital CDs. You Need AC3Machine:
49Kb http://dspguru.notrace.dk/AC3Machinev0.41.zip and the GUI: 174Kb
http://dspguru.notrace.dk/BeSweetGUI0.6b61.zip Guides:
Calendar Painter *Beta~1.6Mb
is a picture calendar builder and printer progam providing several calendar
designs. Any bitmap image can be added (even via Drag and Drop) to a month
and any color can be selected for the month frame and week days. The
calendar can be saved so it is possible to reuse it. Additionally,
CalendarPainter offers some features that other programs of this type often
do not provide: * 1, 3 or 12 months / page calendars * 6 Steps calendar
creator wizard * Holiday and birthday support * Compression for the
calendar files * Portrait & landscape format printing * Bitmap and JPEG
support * Free color and font selection * Detailed help file
Cam Studio v2.6 ~1.3Mb
RenderSoft CamStudio is a tool used for recording screen activity into
standard AVI video files. If you move the cursor, launch a new program,
type some text, click a few buttons, or select some menus -- anything that
you see on your screen -- CamStudio will be able to record all these and
allow you to play them back later on.
You can use CamStudio to develop videos to demonstrate features of a new
software, for creating movies used in user training, for tracking the
progress of a program that executes for a long time, or for recording the
sequence of steps that cause the occurrence of bugs in faulty software.
CMenuExtender ~207Kb
CMenuExtender is a shell extension that lets the user add items to the
Explorer contextmenu. Using any registry-editor or the supplied GUI, the
user can add submenus and items such as shortcuts to programs, documents,
folders, webpages and scripts. CMExt also has some predefined commands for
copying, moving and retrieving information on files and directories.
CopyCat ~655Kb
Copycat is a clipboard utility for those with more than one computer. When
you copy text into your clipboard, Copycat will automatically transfer it
to the clipboards of the machines that you have chosen. Copycat saves
valuable time and energy by eliminating the need to manually copy text into
every computer's clipboard!
DefragToShutdown ~816Kb
Defrag_to_shutdown launches the Windows Defrag program with three options
and with the function to shutdown or reboot the computer after Defrag has
finished. There is an additional option for advanced users to optimize
system and hidden files and command line parameter function has been added
in version 1.5. Not for use in Windows XP, Windows 2000(Pro) or Windows NT.
DivX Player v2.5 ~3.5Mb
DVDShrink ~367Kb
DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD disks. You can use this software in
conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy
of any DVD video disk. DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! The output from DVD
Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive, which you can then burn to a
DVD-R using separate burning software, such as the software provided with
your DVD-R drive
Erunt ~575Kb
For NT/2K/XP. Finally, a tool to back up the Win XP Registry! (Microsoft
didn’t include one with Win XP itself.) Written by Lars Hederer. Read his
detailed information for the complete story. The current download bundle
also includes Lars’ NTRegOpt tool, so you don’t have to download this
Explorer Menu Extension ~722Kb
Remember DMEX Menu? One of the greatest shell extensions ever made...Here's
the updated improved version by the same author. Explorer Menu Extension
enhances Windows Explorer by adding several useful functions. Once
installed, these extensions let you rename and change the date of multiple
files at once, select files by masks and wildcards, create subdirectories
with only one mouse click, and open a DOS window using the current
directory. The program also expands partial tree branches, substitutes
local directories as drives (in Windows NT only), and opens multiple
Windows Explorers side by side.
EZPop ~1.1Mb
Don't bother checking your e-mail accounts. Ezpop will do it for you in the
background Have you mail ? The empty box in the window will change into a
you got mail box. Of course, you can associate your favourite sound (we're
somewhat partial to "Doh !"), or even run EzPop in the systray and make it
pop up when you got mail. Make EzPop looks like anything you want EzPop is
skinnable. It means you can change its look and choose whatever you fancy.
Six gorgeous skins are included, and you will find lots more on the web.
And if you don't find this elusive cow-shaped skin you want to go with your
custom-made MS Plus Themeâ„¢, well... design it yourself ! Try it, it's
easy and you'll like it ! You got mail ? I got news ! Between checks, EzPop
brings news right on your desktop. The default news server is Glabouni,
official site for EzPop skins. New skins, updates, new skinnable software :
you'll be the first one to know ! In months to come, a lot of servers will
be added to let you choose what you want to read. That's the nice thing
with customizable software : choice. Read your mail in EzPop. Easier and
quicker than launching your e-mail client every ten minutes. Want a quick
look at this message you just received ? Double-click on the mailbox and a
window will open to let you read it. You can even reply from this window,
save the attachments, or delete the message ! Forget the SPAM Tired of
these "Make $$$$$ in your sleep" messages ? With its filtering feature,
EzPop will delete them on the server. You can also say goodbye to these
huuuuge attachments sent by your aunt May who doesn't seem to understand
the difference between a 20 Kb image and a 2 Mb file. Set the max size to
300 Kb (or whatever you choose) and save your time and bandwith. Write/Load
notes with EzPop and forget the Notepad Do you need to note something ? A
phone number, an appointment reminder ? Don't bother searching for some
program lost in the Start Menu. When you don't have mail, the EzPop message
window becomes a quick-and-easy notepad.
Foldersizes V1.3 ~1.9Mb
FolderSizes shows how your drive space is being utilized visually. It can
analyze individual folders or entire hard drives quickly and efficiently,
and show you the results in an intuitive way. Similar program: DiskData,
also on these pages. Last Freeware version.
GNUWin II ~734Mb
GNUWin II includes numerous programs, completely free, which cover a wide
spectrum of uses. The complete application list, sorted by type, is
available here. The software included in GNUWin is not shareware nor
freeware, but original free software and Open Source software, for which
the source code is available, and that is and will always be free (free
both as in "free speech", and as in "free beer"). Most programs included in
this CD are also available for free and Open Source operating systems, such
as GNU/Linux, BSD, etc. Program list here:
Hamsin Clipboard ~48Kb
A three-in-one easy-to-use clipboard extension utility that allows: -
tracking clipboard history of the last ten clips which can be later
returned back to the clipboard or directly pasted into applications, -
pasting several copied clips automatically one after another or merged
together, - saving favorite or commonly used clips for future pasting. The
interface is very simple - all the functions are accessible from any
application via hotkeys and/or a pop-up menu invoked by a hotkey or a tray
icon. All the hotkeys and the menu are customizable. Adding new clips to
the history can be suspended so that undesired clips do not clutter the
HTMOpener ~6.9Kb
These days everyone has a CD burner. These devices have improved the ease
and quality of data backups tremedously, and they're great for music CDs as
well. In addition to such personal uses, there's no reason why you can't
create a professional quality presentation CD. Harnessing the incredibly
broad capabilities of HTML should be easy. Simply create your presentation
in HTML format, like you would any web page, complete with text and images,
and even with movies and javascripting if you wish, then place the entire
HTML structure on a CD. The problem is, how do you get it to launch
automatically in the user's computer? HTMopener.exe is a tiny executable
that you can "call" with the autorun.inf file placed in the root directory
of your CD. It will launch your HTML file and your presentation is
available to users just like that. Use the following syntax when creating
your autorun.inf file: [autorun] OPEN=HTMopener
\directory\presentation.html Change to the appropriate path on the CD, and
rename presentation.html to whatever you've named your HTML file. The
easiest way to use HTMopener.exe is to place it in the root directory of
the CD, but you can place it in a subdirectory if you like. Just change the
path to HTMopener.exe accordingly. An example might be: [autorun]
OPEN=\Subdirectory\HTMopener \directory\presentation.html Considering the
space available on a CD for graphics and movies, and the speed with which
your computer can access a virtual web site locally (on a CD ROM, not over
some crackly phone line, through some dawg-ass slow modem) you should be
able to create some magnificent presentations. HTMopener.exe is the key
which allows you to spring your creative genius upon the world.
Madotate v2 ~401Kb
Madotate lets you add a new button to the left of the minimize button of
each open window, allowing you to flip a window up with its lower half
receding into the distance. Thus, you can store your windows flattened near
the top of the screen like stacked window panes, each with its own title
tab. The program runs as a convenient icon in the System Tray area of the
Windows taskbar. You gottat see this

http://www.ksky.ne.jp/~seahorse/mtate2/mtimage_20030217.jpg English
translation of Readme:
MinMaxExtender v1.21 ~197Kb
adds four new buttons to the title bars of your windows, letting you make a
window stay on top, minimize to the System Tray, and more. This utility
adds functions for advanced window management. Using four new buttons in
the title bar, you can make a window stay on top, maximize horizontally and
vertically, and minimize to the System Tray area of the Windows taskbar.
You can have it optionally ignore dialog boxes and message boxes,
toolboxes, and transparent windows. MinMaxExtender runs as a convenient
icon in the System Tray area of the Windows taskbar, and can run
automatically at Windows Startup.
Move A Pic v2.0 ~1.4Mb
View your picture, sound and movie files and easily move them into any
folder you wish. Move-A-Pic makes it easy to put your pictures into
categories. Easy to learn and fully customizable. *This is a slow server,
but you should count yourself lucky that this can be downloaded at all!
MP3ext ~921Kb
MP3Ext is an extension for the Windows Explorer. It enhances it, so you can
get information in many ways: * A PropertyPage is installed, where you can
fully edit the ID3-Tag * An icon-handler for individual icons is included
too * Tooltips, when you simply leave the mouse over the MP3-file (only
with IE4.0 Active Desktop)
Mpxplay ~347Kb
is a DOS based (32-bit) audio player. Supported filetypes: - Audio MPEG
Layer II/III (MP2,MP3) by www.mpg123.de - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) by
www.audiocoding.com - Dolby AC-3 (AC3) by ess.engr.uvic.ca/~aholtzma/ac3
and www.dolby.com - Monkey's Audio (APE) by www.monkeysaudio.com -
Musepack/MPEGPlus (MPC) by www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp - Ogg Vorbis (OGG) by
www.xiph.org - Uncompressed WAV - Audio CD ripp'n'play (CDW) Implemented
functions: - support of the well-known soundcards (SB16,ESS,WSS,GUS,SBpro)
- control with keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port - playlist support
(m3u,pls), drive and directory scan - useful playlist related functions
(sorting,filtering,on-screen editing) - fast forward and rewind (seeking),
between the songs too - cross-fade songs in real time - automatic volume
correction; surround, speed (freq) control - LCD-display handling (click
here to get more infos) - ID3 tag editor and list maker (list->id3tag,
id3tag->list) - LFN (long filenames) support under Win9x and DOS (with LFN
emulator) - input buffer with interrupt decoder (it solves the CD-read errors)
My Old Safe v2.1 ~710Kb
"My Old Safe" software from Sundance Software Technologies offers the user
a quick and easy way to secure computer files from prying eyes. Whether it
happens to be a private spreadsheet, a resume, photograph, or any other
file you don't want to be available to others on your P.C., "My Old Safe"
offers a reasonably high level of security for most computer users. Using
My Old Safe is as simple as locating the file name in the right side
window, dragging it onto the safe and dropping it in. You will be prompted
for a password, and verification, and your file will be encrypted and
compressed. Opening file simply requires reversing the process.
PopFile ~2.4Mb
POPFile is an automatic mail classification tool. Once properly set up and
trained, it will work in the background of your computer, scanning mail as
it arrives and filing it however you wish. You can give it a simple job,
like separating out junk e-mail, or a complicated one - like filing mail
into a dozen folders. Think of it as a personal assistant for your inbox.
ProxyPal ~264Kb
Ever think that it takes way too many clicks to turn your Internet Explorer
proxy on and off? Me too so I wrote ProxyPal. After installing ProxyPal,
just add it to your IE toolbar and you have one click access to toggle your
proxy. This is very useful for corporate latptops that connect to the
Internet away from work. Install ProxyPal today to put an end to
seven-clicking your proxy on and off!
Ragtime Solo v5.61 ~50Mb
RagTime Solo is the freeware version of RagTime DTP and is available for
Mac and Windows. As most DTP programs it is not so easy to get started with
the program, but it is a good product and there is a starters guide
available for download. The huge download is worthwhile! Update to 5.62:
Help Manual:
Shutdown.exe ~14Kb
For WinXP. Small commandline utility that makes it a breeze to log off,
shutdown, restart, hibernate, or put in stand-by mode your Win XP computer.
It’s the only utility I know that shuts down Win XP and then reliably
powers off the computer. For a further description of the program, s type
SHUTDOWN /? at your command prompt after putting this in C:\. By MS-MVP
Andrej Budja.
Solar Screensaver ~1.2Mb
A new computer screen saver made available by the European Space Agency now
allows computer users to watch spectacular, almost real-time images of our
Sun. The images, coming directly from 1.5 million kilometres away in space,
will flash on your computer screen courtesy of ESA's Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO). Every time your screen saver kicks in it will look, via
the Internet, for the most recent images SOHO has sent to scientists. A few
seconds, and the show begins. You will be able to witness exciting events
as they happen on our star: huge expulsions of matter that scientists call
Coronal Mass Ejections; sunspots, now growing in number as the Sun reaches
the peak of activity in its 11-year cycle; and even the demise of the
so-called sun-grazing comets, as they disappear forever into our star. Now,
give a rest to your computer and enjoy the show live from the Sun.
Spamihilator ~566Kb
Spamihilator works between your Email-Client-Software and the Internet and
examines every incoming eMail. Useless spam mails (Junk) will be filtered
out. This process works completely in the background. The new Learning
Filter (Bayesian Filter) uses the rules of Thomas Bayes (english
mathematician, 18th century) and calculates a certain Spam-Probability for
every eMail. You can train this filter! So it will know your messages even
better than you and continuously increase the recognition rate. In addition
Spamihilator uses a Word-Filter, that searches messages for known keywords.
Of course, Spamihilator supports Plugins. These useful additional filters
protect your system against annoying Spam-Messages. The program runs with
almost every Email-Software, such as Outlook 2000/XP/Express, Eudora,
Mozilla, Netscape, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Phoenix Mail, Opera, etc...
SystemLock ~156Kb
System Lock allows you to lock your desktop so that no other users may use
your computer. Windows NT/2000 already comes with this capability, but what
about Windows 98 & ME? System Lock contains numerous Options for security
and appearance. It also has a unique protection system in that, if your
computer is restarted or a power failure causes your machine to reboot,
System Lock will automatically lock the system on restarting, so that you
computer will remain locked. This option is of course only an option, and
every user may not need this option. Warning: System Lock can be VERY
EASILY bypassed in Windows NT, 2000 and XP. It is NOT RECOMMENDED that you
use System Lock with these operating systems
TotalCopy ~89Kb
Adds a new copy item to the right-drag menu of Explorer. During a copy or
move operation you can now set a speed limit, pause and resume, and have
much better statistics on what's happening. Total Copy is particularly
useful for network shares, also speeds up the entire copy operation...
WinAmpAC3 91Kb
This program is a Winamp 2.x input plugin to play .ac3 files. Based on the
same decoder library used in AC3Filter. * Full AC3 standard compliance. *
S/P DIF passthrough support. * Decode MPEG2 PES streams. * Multichannel
output support. * LFE support. * Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) support. *
Overflow control and automatic gain control. * Gain levels control. *
Bitstream information (channel format, bitrate, sample rate, coupling freq
and maximun freq). * Input/output levels. * Matrix mixer with direct
control of mixing matrix. * Stereo to multichannel mixing. *
DolbySurround/ProLogic/ProLogicII downmixing. * Delays for each channel. *
Xmpeg v5.02 ~1.8Mb
XMPEG is a high quality converter based on lossless MPEG/AC3 decoders. It
exports video and audio frames through an Adobe Premiere interface. To keep
the maximum quality of your film, XMPEG use the best algorithms (HQ Bicubic
0, 0.75) for its filters. The plugins furnished in this package allow you
to create your own DivX, DVD, SVCD with the maximum output quality. A
wizard allow you to do your back in a minimum of time, and without any
experience. ASPI required for Win98
Son Of Spy
CPU Magazine March '03 Issue:
Son Of Spy's comprehensive list of more
than 1,600 freeware solutions is legendary.
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