Son Of Spy
Well it has been a long time hasn't it.......
Truth be told I've been so busy that the time has just flown by.
We are bringing charges against the SPCA and the scumsucker
minions of the SPCA that mistreated and starved our horses and
donkeys while they were jailed.
We could still use assistance with our montrous legal bills and the fine
that we still have to pay despite the above.
More on this in the future.
Meanwhile here's da latest lipsmackin goodies for y'all
download links on my "WhutzNu" page
31 New Files Listed 7/16/2003
AMS Fast Defrag ~478Kb
Fast Defrag ® is a tool that can free and optimise RAM
(Random Access Memory) and the swap-file usage. It
features with one of the powerful engine ever released and
uses very low system resources (less than 1%). With
numerous awards and exponentially increasing popularity
Fast Defrag is one of the best products for this market segment.
Asterisk Key ~274Kb
Reveals passwords that are hidden under asterisks. Unlike
many others, this program works both with password dialog
boxes and web page login forms. Just press a button while
the dialog box or web page is open and Asterisk Key detects
and reveals all masked passwords.
Autoclave ~1.3Mb
It securely erases everything in the writable space on a hard
drive. Everything. All the files, all the free space, the partition
table, the boot sector, the works. This includes the operating
system and any preinstalled packages your hardware vendor
may have included on the drive when you got it. Everything.
I don't know how to say this more emphatically. When Autoclave
is done running, you will have a hard drive filled with zeros, and
nothing else. Usage:
Avant Browser 781Kb
Pop-up Stopper: Eliminate unwanted pop-up pages automatically.
Additional Mouse Functions: Click a link in the web page with
the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window.
Hold the right button then click the left button, the current page
will navigate backward one step. Hold the left button then click the
right button, the current page will navigate forward one step.
Browsing Options: Avant Browser provides options to block
download of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components.
With these options users can efficiently use their bandwidth and
speed up page loading. Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple
web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped,
refreshed, closed or arranged with one click. Built-in Google Search
Engine: Avant Browser provides built-in search engine, which is
powered by Google, the most powerful search engine in the world.
Built-in search engine enables user to search for web pages and
images in Internet. Integrated Cleaner: Help you to keep your privacy
and easily clear typed addresses, recently opened pages, web page
passwords, cookies and temporary Internet files. Safe Recovery: If
Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved
and will be automatically reopened at next startup. Internet Explorer
Compatibility: Avant Browser is compatible with all Internet Explorer
functions, including Java Script, Cookies, Real player, Media Player,
Internet Explorer Favorites, Macromedia Flash and ActiveX Controls.
Easy Using: Avant Browser comes with more shortcuts. It's much
easier to close or create new browser window.
Blaiz's Addressbook ~404Kb
AddressBook v2.00.895 Organise your hyperlinks,
contact info, - Image display - Password protect -
Launch Secure Message/BlaizChat AddressBook
places itself on your Start button: Start > Programs >
Blaiz Enterprises > Accessories
Screen Recorder captures images of the desktop, a
window or a user specified region as an AVI file and
BMP files. Or 'HandyCam' can be used to capture screen.
Screen Recorder has a 'WatchIt' mode that if it is selected,
program automatically traces the selected source (desktop)
and records only when changes occur, otherwise pauses itself.
Program also has a 'Manual Record' function. User can specify
the compression, size and speed of the AVI created, specify
'hotkeys' for 'record' and 'stop' buttons. Screen Recorder has a
Photo Studio and a Movie Studio. By using Bulent's Screen Recorder,
you can create AVI from any picture files even if they are different in
size, resolution etc. You can resample AVIs by changing speed or
compression. Options to record mouse pointer movements, to include
annotation in your video.
CDROM Tool 274Kb
CD-ROM Tool allows you to adjust the max speed of your
CD-ROM drive as well as the spin-down time, empowering
you with the ability to minimize the amount of unnecessary
wear on your drive.
Clear Readonly 1Kb yes 1Kb
Clear ReadOnly makes it easy to clear the read-only flag
on entire folders and subfolders. It really annoying when
you copy files from CD-ROM and they are copied as read-
only. Just right-click the folder and choose 'Clear Read Only
flag' from the Context Menu.
Crypto-Lock 408Kb
Crypto-Lock is a program that will encrypt your files. Think
of Crypto-Lock as a secure safe that lets you carry sensitive
information around and can be unlocked only with the correct
password. Don't forget that password!
Effective Desktop ~1Mb
Effective Desktop is a set of utilities to extend your Windows
desktop and make it cleaner and easier to use.Hide unused tray
icons and change the logo and text of the Start button, have
small modules like calendar and clock running in the taskbar and
create multiple virtual desktops
eMenuTree ~3M 1. Make DHTML tree menus that work in all
major browsers. With eMenuTree it is fast and easy to make
and maintain click-to-open or drop-down tree menus and include
them in all your pages. These tree menus work in Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Opera, and other browsers. You don't need to
do any javascript programming; the software does all the work.
2. Never worry again about managing a complex system of links
With eMenuTree links are contained in a tree or drop-down menu.
If you place this menu in all of your web pages, all the your links
will be accessible from all of your pages. There is no need for you
to create or maintain any internal links. 3. Hundreds of options
eMenuTree is very flexible. Make click-to-open tree menus or drop
down tree menus . Put the menu in a frame, or includes it in each
page. Make a horizontal menu or a vertical menu. Put the tree menu
anywhere on the page. Choose open and closed folder images, or
choose not to have an image. Choose tree menu fonts, tree menu
background color, and tree menu indents for folders, subfolders and
links, etc, etc. 4. Easy to use eMenuTree has a visual interface. This
makes it easy to design and create tree menus. You see the tree as you
design it. You can add branches to the tree, copy branches, cut and
paste, drag and drop. In a matter of minutes you can redo all the links
of a complex web site.
ePrompter v2.0 ~955Kb
ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves
your email messages from up to sixteen password protected email
accounts such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink, Email.com, iName,
Juno, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC
Yahoo, Switchboard, USA.net and hundreds of other email domains
..ePrompter also gives you the ability to delete unwanted spam or
suspicious looking mail - the kind that might contain viruses - without
having to launch your email program or go to your web mail's site.
ePrompter also lets you compose, forward and reply to your retrieved
messages, again without having to launch your email program.
ePrompter also features an address book.
file2file ~795Kb
File2File is an easy-to-use encryption solution, which enables
users to secure data for personal storage as well as for exchange
between colleagues, partners, customers or personal relations.
With its basic but effective authentication relying on only one
password shared by all initiated parties, File2File is the perfect
ad-hoc solution independent of any specialised security infrastructure.
Cryptomathic File2File Features: Intuitive and simple protection by a
password Strong encryption and decryption of files and directory trees
Simple distribution with executables for decryption Based on the most
modern and trusted encryption algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) Deletes the originals from hard disk and disk cache after
encryption With File2File it is possible to secure single files as well as
full directory structures with a password. It works everywhere; on
your personal hard disk, on a shared network drive, on a floppy disk
or on some other kind of file store. You may also use File2File to secure
your files before sending them via e-mail. If the recipient does not have
File2File installed, you can encrypt the file into an executable file
which also contains the code necessary for decrypting the encrypted text.
Then the receiver only needs to enter the password.
FineCrypt ~4.2Mb
Need a replacement for e4m now youve down errrrr... upgraded to
XP? Highly secure encryption with a single mouse click (without
entering password or key); Secure communication with other users
of FineCrypt; Creation of encrypted archives with which you can work
like with zip-archives; Creation of encrypted self-extracting executables,
which can be decrypted without FineCrypt; Encryption of files, directories
and whole directory trees; Encryption with password or with user encryption
key; Advanced key management; Secure delete feature; Statistical analysis
of ciphertext; Full integration with Windows shell, including
FineCrypt is the only program which you can check for correctness of
encryption; 10 strongest encryption algorithms, including 5 AES finalists:
MARS, RC-6, Rijndael(AES), Serpent, Twofish; 4 encryption modes: ECB,
CBC, CFB, OFB (see FineCrypt's Help for details);
Fraps 74kb
Fraps is a free utility for DirectX and OpenGL games. It can best be
described as: # benchmarking software - see framerates on screen and
log them to file. Calculate the average framerate between any two points.
# screen capture software - take screenshots at the press of a button with
files automatically named and timestamped. # movie maker software -
realtime recording of your gameplay to high quality AVI video files.
FTPpie ~254kb
This tool enables you to get a usage piechart from your FTP service,
showing which directories are taking the most space, and to drill
down into those directories to see which are the largest files.
Simply double-click on a pie segment to drill down!
InfoAngel ~2.4Mb
Info Angel is a personal information manager (pim) that combines
a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager
into a single interface. * Powerful database manager (compress,
backup, restore features) * Information encryption * Data import
from TreePad and KeyNote files * WordWeb integration * Hierarchical
tree visualization of the information * Rich text editor * Web-browser
* Search around the whole database * Minimize to tray
Mouse emulator ~10Kb
Is your mouse broken, or did you just forget it? Or maybe you
are having USB driver problems, and your mouse isn't working.
With Mouse Emulator, you can still use your computer. Yust run
he program, and it will show you which keys you have to press to
move the mouse cursor. For more information, check the readme or
read the manual on this page. This program is also very usefull for
laptop owners with low quality mouses. Just hold down the Fn key,
and you can use the numeric keypad in the center of your keyboard
to move the mouse! Mouse Emulator can also toggle mouse buttons
with a simple key press. This is very useful for RSI users that have
problems with drag operations with the mouse.
Mouse Pos ~27Kb
The "MousePos" is a Win32 SDK application that displays the current
mouse position or current local time inside a window (looks like ToolTip)
which follows the mouse cursor I get the Current Mouse Position or
Current Local Time inside WM_TIMER processing switch/case, then
format this information as a string using the Win32 API function
GetTextExtentPoint32 to calculate the size that the string will occupy
in the displaying window. You can click the "MousePos" button on the
Windows Taskbar to popup it's menu, switch the displaying mode or
change the displaying background/font & color.
MxLinx ~679Kb MXlinx is a small multi-purpose tool for WinMX client.
Its features are divided into four main parts: Queue Watcher, which
keeps leeches out of your queue, opens new slots when upload speed
is not sufficient, starts your friends immediately SpeedUp, which finds
new sources more frequently than WinMX does OpenNap Servers List
Updater, which can update your OpenNap Servers List HASH Engime,
which can start downloads in your WinMX client with one mouse click,
generates HASH codes for your private files, and much more...
MxMonitor ~165Kb
MXmonitor is a software tool which supervises operation of WinMX3.3x
*The maximum of the number of cues can be set. *It can ignore
& clear automatically by ID of the user in cue. *It can ignore &
clear automatically by speed of the user in cue. *The user who has
put in two or more cues can be disregarded & cleared automatically.
*It can ignore & clear by number of shares of the user in cue. *It
can ignore & clear the uploads of the user in cue. *It can upload
automatically by the head character sequence of the file name which
is in cue. *It can upload automatically by ID of the user who is in cue.
*Sound can be played with various events. *Various events are recordable
on a log file. You will have to fiddle with the settings for a while, as
is no help file yet. For WinMX3.3 or WinMX3.31 with Windows 98,
Windows2000, and WindowsXP
my htpc ~2.5Mb
Alpha Release 22: myHTPC is a highly customizable,menu driven
front end that allows you, among other things, to launch external
programs, browse pictures and large collections of almost any type
of media stored on your computer. myHTPC is extremely flexible
and allows you to easily build nested menu structures that can accomplish
many tasks. Its large, clear display makes it perfect for large monitors or
TV sets. Although myHTPC is targeted at Home Theater Personal Computer
users, it can serve many purposes. For example, it can be used to build a
simple menu for children to access their programs. It can also work very
well with kiosk and touch-screen applications. It's beautiful! and whips
WIMP's (PCMags pay utility) ass! Screenshots:http://www.myhtpc.net/screens/
Oriens Enhancer GOLD ~11Mb
Oriens Enhancer GOLD is an advanced digital Image editing and processing
environment with vast arrays of filters, Special Effects, Artistic
Tools, optimizers etc. It is not merely an editor, and it serves all
your desktop
and digital processing needs from creation of screensavers to creating
Executable of an image, from advanced capturing to Text layers tools
with frequently used utilities like Integrated thumbnail browser, Image
/icon Extractor, PDF generator etc. With special tools for digital
web and print graphics along with supports for 60 popular Image Formats
for reading and 26 formats for writing. More!
Nokia Test 440Kb
Nokia Test is a freeware utility by Nokia that will guide you through
testing and adjusting any monitor for an optimum display. There are
test patterns for Geometry, Convergence, Resolution, Moiré, Brightness,
Contrast, Focus, Readability, Color and Screen Regulation. You put up
the test pattern and then make the adjustments to your monitor.
PicoZip Recovery Tool 2.3Mb
PicoZip Recovery Tool is an easy-to-use program that can help
you recover lost or forgotten passwords from password protected
Zip files created by compression utilities like PicoZip, WinZip,
PKZip, etc.Provides Brute Force and Dictionary recovery methods
Can pause and resume recovery job
RAW CD-Copy ~659Kb
RAW CD Copy is a simple CD burner software supports Burn-
Proof, RAW, DAO and many more. This version contains the
following new features: Interface is automatically saved upon
exiting. An automated help window teaches the user how to use
RAW CD Copy. The time remaining in a read/write operation is
predicted. Along with the features introduced in 2.0: Creates almost
true copies of cd's. Supports cd-writer's compatible with MMC
modes: DAO 16, DAO 96, SAO RAW or SAO RAW+SUB. Can
extract full sub channels from discs. Can raw copy multi-session
discs. Can copy cd text. Can extract using full, half and no error
correction. Has read ahead buffering to protect against buffer under
runs. Supports burn proof/just link buffer under run protection. Has
smart bad sector scanner. Notes on using RAW CD Copy : ASPI is
required for RAW CD Copy to work correctly.
Room Arranger 3.26 695Kb
The program can be used not only for designing the rooms
or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas - garden
architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign
(paper as the room)...# Insert exact dimensions of objects and room
or edit walls of entire apartment # Exploring the room in 3D # Possibility
of adding captions to the objects # Select line, fill and text color for any
object, including transparency # Display collisions between objects,
zoom in (magnify) or zoom out the view # Create the library of objects
you use more then once (e.g. your typical window, chair) # Print or
export the result as an image - you can insert it for example into text
document (WordPerfect, Word,...), etc. # Measure the distances inside
the room # Multi-language support
Streamripper for winamp 2x~181Kb
Use Streamripper as a Winamp plug-in (when you install it, a
Streamripper icon will appear in your Thinger) or run it from
the command line to record MP3s from streaming servers.
Streamripper saves each stream to a new folder in Winamp's
folder in your Program Files. Here's how to make saved streams
automatically appear in your Playlist: for Winamp 3x:
Wave Repari Shop ~191Kb
# wave normalizer # wave repairer for small size of scratches
# updated detecting algorithm from v1.1 # user difined detecting
size for small scratches # all frequncy, mono and stereo,16 bits.
If you grab music CD and you have any problems with communicating
beetween your grabber and CD-ROM or a CD is bad quality or ......... ,
you can hear something in grabbed song what isn't in original song.
Yes, you can think : a new f*cking program is here, but I don't believe
to any program, whitch repairs scratches from wave file. We can say
just : test it, and you will see.
Yahoopops ~3.8Mb
YahooPOPs! is an open-source initiative to provide free POP3
access to your Yahoo! Mail account. YahooPOPs! is available
on the Windows and Unix platforms. This application emulates
a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like Outlook,
Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, Calypso, etc., to download email
from Yahoo! accounts. *For Broadband only!
Zig Zag Cleaner ~189KB
It's easy! Draw a zigzag and Zigzag Cleaner will hide applications
and documents. All or spare. To restore, just draw another zigzag.
Easy? You bet! The program will speed up your work considerably.
See Ya
CPU Magazine March '03 Issue:
Son Of Spy's comprehensive list of more
than 1,600 freeware solutions is legendary.
. --- . . - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ SOS \ __ / Freeware - - - - - -
/ / \ ( ) / - - - - -
/ / / / / / / \/ \ - - - -
/ / / / / / / : : - - -
/ / / / / ' ' - -
/ / //..\\
' '' '
Truth be told I've been so busy that the time has just flown by.
We are bringing charges against the SPCA and the scumsucker
minions of the SPCA that mistreated and starved our horses and
donkeys while they were jailed.
We could still use assistance with our montrous legal bills and the fine
that we still have to pay despite the above.
More on this in the future.
Meanwhile here's da latest lipsmackin goodies for y'all
download links on my "WhutzNu" page
31 New Files Listed 7/16/2003
AMS Fast Defrag ~478Kb
Fast Defrag ® is a tool that can free and optimise RAM
(Random Access Memory) and the swap-file usage. It
features with one of the powerful engine ever released and
uses very low system resources (less than 1%). With
numerous awards and exponentially increasing popularity
Fast Defrag is one of the best products for this market segment.
Asterisk Key ~274Kb
Reveals passwords that are hidden under asterisks. Unlike
many others, this program works both with password dialog
boxes and web page login forms. Just press a button while
the dialog box or web page is open and Asterisk Key detects
and reveals all masked passwords.
Autoclave ~1.3Mb
It securely erases everything in the writable space on a hard
drive. Everything. All the files, all the free space, the partition
table, the boot sector, the works. This includes the operating
system and any preinstalled packages your hardware vendor
may have included on the drive when you got it. Everything.
I don't know how to say this more emphatically. When Autoclave
is done running, you will have a hard drive filled with zeros, and
nothing else. Usage:
Avant Browser 781Kb
Pop-up Stopper: Eliminate unwanted pop-up pages automatically.
Additional Mouse Functions: Click a link in the web page with
the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window.
Hold the right button then click the left button, the current page
will navigate backward one step. Hold the left button then click the
right button, the current page will navigate forward one step.
Browsing Options: Avant Browser provides options to block
download of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components.
With these options users can efficiently use their bandwidth and
speed up page loading. Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple
web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped,
refreshed, closed or arranged with one click. Built-in Google Search
Engine: Avant Browser provides built-in search engine, which is
powered by Google, the most powerful search engine in the world.
Built-in search engine enables user to search for web pages and
images in Internet. Integrated Cleaner: Help you to keep your privacy
and easily clear typed addresses, recently opened pages, web page
passwords, cookies and temporary Internet files. Safe Recovery: If
Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved
and will be automatically reopened at next startup. Internet Explorer
Compatibility: Avant Browser is compatible with all Internet Explorer
functions, including Java Script, Cookies, Real player, Media Player,
Internet Explorer Favorites, Macromedia Flash and ActiveX Controls.
Easy Using: Avant Browser comes with more shortcuts. It's much
easier to close or create new browser window.
Blaiz's Addressbook ~404Kb
AddressBook v2.00.895 Organise your hyperlinks,
contact info, - Image display - Password protect -
Launch Secure Message/BlaizChat AddressBook
places itself on your Start button: Start > Programs >
Blaiz Enterprises > Accessories
Screen Recorder captures images of the desktop, a
window or a user specified region as an AVI file and
BMP files. Or 'HandyCam' can be used to capture screen.
Screen Recorder has a 'WatchIt' mode that if it is selected,
program automatically traces the selected source (desktop)
and records only when changes occur, otherwise pauses itself.
Program also has a 'Manual Record' function. User can specify
the compression, size and speed of the AVI created, specify
'hotkeys' for 'record' and 'stop' buttons. Screen Recorder has a
Photo Studio and a Movie Studio. By using Bulent's Screen Recorder,
you can create AVI from any picture files even if they are different in
size, resolution etc. You can resample AVIs by changing speed or
compression. Options to record mouse pointer movements, to include
annotation in your video.
CDROM Tool 274Kb
CD-ROM Tool allows you to adjust the max speed of your
CD-ROM drive as well as the spin-down time, empowering
you with the ability to minimize the amount of unnecessary
wear on your drive.
Clear Readonly 1Kb yes 1Kb
Clear ReadOnly makes it easy to clear the read-only flag
on entire folders and subfolders. It really annoying when
you copy files from CD-ROM and they are copied as read-
only. Just right-click the folder and choose 'Clear Read Only
flag' from the Context Menu.
Crypto-Lock 408Kb
Crypto-Lock is a program that will encrypt your files. Think
of Crypto-Lock as a secure safe that lets you carry sensitive
information around and can be unlocked only with the correct
password. Don't forget that password!
Effective Desktop ~1Mb
Effective Desktop is a set of utilities to extend your Windows
desktop and make it cleaner and easier to use.Hide unused tray
icons and change the logo and text of the Start button, have
small modules like calendar and clock running in the taskbar and
create multiple virtual desktops
eMenuTree ~3M 1. Make DHTML tree menus that work in all
major browsers. With eMenuTree it is fast and easy to make
and maintain click-to-open or drop-down tree menus and include
them in all your pages. These tree menus work in Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Opera, and other browsers. You don't need to
do any javascript programming; the software does all the work.
2. Never worry again about managing a complex system of links
With eMenuTree links are contained in a tree or drop-down menu.
If you place this menu in all of your web pages, all the your links
will be accessible from all of your pages. There is no need for you
to create or maintain any internal links. 3. Hundreds of options
eMenuTree is very flexible. Make click-to-open tree menus or drop
down tree menus . Put the menu in a frame, or includes it in each
page. Make a horizontal menu or a vertical menu. Put the tree menu
anywhere on the page. Choose open and closed folder images, or
choose not to have an image. Choose tree menu fonts, tree menu
background color, and tree menu indents for folders, subfolders and
links, etc, etc. 4. Easy to use eMenuTree has a visual interface. This
makes it easy to design and create tree menus. You see the tree as you
design it. You can add branches to the tree, copy branches, cut and
paste, drag and drop. In a matter of minutes you can redo all the links
of a complex web site.
ePrompter v2.0 ~955Kb
ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves
your email messages from up to sixteen password protected email
accounts such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink, Email.com, iName,
Juno, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC
Yahoo, Switchboard, USA.net and hundreds of other email domains
..ePrompter also gives you the ability to delete unwanted spam or
suspicious looking mail - the kind that might contain viruses - without
having to launch your email program or go to your web mail's site.
ePrompter also lets you compose, forward and reply to your retrieved
messages, again without having to launch your email program.
ePrompter also features an address book.
file2file ~795Kb
File2File is an easy-to-use encryption solution, which enables
users to secure data for personal storage as well as for exchange
between colleagues, partners, customers or personal relations.
With its basic but effective authentication relying on only one
password shared by all initiated parties, File2File is the perfect
ad-hoc solution independent of any specialised security infrastructure.
Cryptomathic File2File Features: Intuitive and simple protection by a
password Strong encryption and decryption of files and directory trees
Simple distribution with executables for decryption Based on the most
modern and trusted encryption algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) Deletes the originals from hard disk and disk cache after
encryption With File2File it is possible to secure single files as well as
full directory structures with a password. It works everywhere; on
your personal hard disk, on a shared network drive, on a floppy disk
or on some other kind of file store. You may also use File2File to secure
your files before sending them via e-mail. If the recipient does not have
File2File installed, you can encrypt the file into an executable file
which also contains the code necessary for decrypting the encrypted text.
Then the receiver only needs to enter the password.
FineCrypt ~4.2Mb
Need a replacement for e4m now youve down errrrr... upgraded to
XP? Highly secure encryption with a single mouse click (without
entering password or key); Secure communication with other users
of FineCrypt; Creation of encrypted archives with which you can work
like with zip-archives; Creation of encrypted self-extracting executables,
which can be decrypted without FineCrypt; Encryption of files, directories
and whole directory trees; Encryption with password or with user encryption
key; Advanced key management; Secure delete feature; Statistical analysis
of ciphertext; Full integration with Windows shell, including
FineCrypt is the only program which you can check for correctness of
encryption; 10 strongest encryption algorithms, including 5 AES finalists:
MARS, RC-6, Rijndael(AES), Serpent, Twofish; 4 encryption modes: ECB,
CBC, CFB, OFB (see FineCrypt's Help for details);
Fraps 74kb
Fraps is a free utility for DirectX and OpenGL games. It can best be
described as: # benchmarking software - see framerates on screen and
log them to file. Calculate the average framerate between any two points.
# screen capture software - take screenshots at the press of a button with
files automatically named and timestamped. # movie maker software -
realtime recording of your gameplay to high quality AVI video files.
FTPpie ~254kb
This tool enables you to get a usage piechart from your FTP service,
showing which directories are taking the most space, and to drill
down into those directories to see which are the largest files.
Simply double-click on a pie segment to drill down!
InfoAngel ~2.4Mb
Info Angel is a personal information manager (pim) that combines
a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager
into a single interface. * Powerful database manager (compress,
backup, restore features) * Information encryption * Data import
from TreePad and KeyNote files * WordWeb integration * Hierarchical
tree visualization of the information * Rich text editor * Web-browser
* Search around the whole database * Minimize to tray
Mouse emulator ~10Kb
Is your mouse broken, or did you just forget it? Or maybe you
are having USB driver problems, and your mouse isn't working.
With Mouse Emulator, you can still use your computer. Yust run
he program, and it will show you which keys you have to press to
move the mouse cursor. For more information, check the readme or
read the manual on this page. This program is also very usefull for
laptop owners with low quality mouses. Just hold down the Fn key,
and you can use the numeric keypad in the center of your keyboard
to move the mouse! Mouse Emulator can also toggle mouse buttons
with a simple key press. This is very useful for RSI users that have
problems with drag operations with the mouse.
Mouse Pos ~27Kb
The "MousePos" is a Win32 SDK application that displays the current
mouse position or current local time inside a window (looks like ToolTip)
which follows the mouse cursor I get the Current Mouse Position or
Current Local Time inside WM_TIMER processing switch/case, then
format this information as a string using the Win32 API function
GetTextExtentPoint32 to calculate the size that the string will occupy
in the displaying window. You can click the "MousePos" button on the
Windows Taskbar to popup it's menu, switch the displaying mode or
change the displaying background/font & color.
MxLinx ~679Kb MXlinx is a small multi-purpose tool for WinMX client.
Its features are divided into four main parts: Queue Watcher, which
keeps leeches out of your queue, opens new slots when upload speed
is not sufficient, starts your friends immediately SpeedUp, which finds
new sources more frequently than WinMX does OpenNap Servers List
Updater, which can update your OpenNap Servers List HASH Engime,
which can start downloads in your WinMX client with one mouse click,
generates HASH codes for your private files, and much more...
MxMonitor ~165Kb
MXmonitor is a software tool which supervises operation of WinMX3.3x
*The maximum of the number of cues can be set. *It can ignore
& clear automatically by ID of the user in cue. *It can ignore &
clear automatically by speed of the user in cue. *The user who has
put in two or more cues can be disregarded & cleared automatically.
*It can ignore & clear by number of shares of the user in cue. *It
can ignore & clear the uploads of the user in cue. *It can upload
automatically by the head character sequence of the file name which
is in cue. *It can upload automatically by ID of the user who is in cue.
*Sound can be played with various events. *Various events are recordable
on a log file. You will have to fiddle with the settings for a while, as
is no help file yet. For WinMX3.3 or WinMX3.31 with Windows 98,
Windows2000, and WindowsXP
my htpc ~2.5Mb
Alpha Release 22: myHTPC is a highly customizable,menu driven
front end that allows you, among other things, to launch external
programs, browse pictures and large collections of almost any type
of media stored on your computer. myHTPC is extremely flexible
and allows you to easily build nested menu structures that can accomplish
many tasks. Its large, clear display makes it perfect for large monitors or
TV sets. Although myHTPC is targeted at Home Theater Personal Computer
users, it can serve many purposes. For example, it can be used to build a
simple menu for children to access their programs. It can also work very
well with kiosk and touch-screen applications. It's beautiful! and whips
WIMP's (PCMags pay utility) ass! Screenshots:http://www.myhtpc.net/screens/
Oriens Enhancer GOLD ~11Mb
Oriens Enhancer GOLD is an advanced digital Image editing and processing
environment with vast arrays of filters, Special Effects, Artistic
Tools, optimizers etc. It is not merely an editor, and it serves all
your desktop
and digital processing needs from creation of screensavers to creating
Executable of an image, from advanced capturing to Text layers tools
with frequently used utilities like Integrated thumbnail browser, Image
/icon Extractor, PDF generator etc. With special tools for digital
web and print graphics along with supports for 60 popular Image Formats
for reading and 26 formats for writing. More!
Nokia Test 440Kb
Nokia Test is a freeware utility by Nokia that will guide you through
testing and adjusting any monitor for an optimum display. There are
test patterns for Geometry, Convergence, Resolution, Moiré, Brightness,
Contrast, Focus, Readability, Color and Screen Regulation. You put up
the test pattern and then make the adjustments to your monitor.
PicoZip Recovery Tool 2.3Mb
PicoZip Recovery Tool is an easy-to-use program that can help
you recover lost or forgotten passwords from password protected
Zip files created by compression utilities like PicoZip, WinZip,
PKZip, etc.Provides Brute Force and Dictionary recovery methods
Can pause and resume recovery job
RAW CD-Copy ~659Kb
RAW CD Copy is a simple CD burner software supports Burn-
Proof, RAW, DAO and many more. This version contains the
following new features: Interface is automatically saved upon
exiting. An automated help window teaches the user how to use
RAW CD Copy. The time remaining in a read/write operation is
predicted. Along with the features introduced in 2.0: Creates almost
true copies of cd's. Supports cd-writer's compatible with MMC
modes: DAO 16, DAO 96, SAO RAW or SAO RAW+SUB. Can
extract full sub channels from discs. Can raw copy multi-session
discs. Can copy cd text. Can extract using full, half and no error
correction. Has read ahead buffering to protect against buffer under
runs. Supports burn proof/just link buffer under run protection. Has
smart bad sector scanner. Notes on using RAW CD Copy : ASPI is
required for RAW CD Copy to work correctly.
Room Arranger 3.26 695Kb
The program can be used not only for designing the rooms
or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas - garden
architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign
(paper as the room)...# Insert exact dimensions of objects and room
or edit walls of entire apartment # Exploring the room in 3D # Possibility
of adding captions to the objects # Select line, fill and text color for any
object, including transparency # Display collisions between objects,
zoom in (magnify) or zoom out the view # Create the library of objects
you use more then once (e.g. your typical window, chair) # Print or
export the result as an image - you can insert it for example into text
document (WordPerfect, Word,...), etc. # Measure the distances inside
the room # Multi-language support
Streamripper for winamp 2x~181Kb
Use Streamripper as a Winamp plug-in (when you install it, a
Streamripper icon will appear in your Thinger) or run it from
the command line to record MP3s from streaming servers.
Streamripper saves each stream to a new folder in Winamp's
folder in your Program Files. Here's how to make saved streams
automatically appear in your Playlist: for Winamp 3x:
Wave Repari Shop ~191Kb
# wave normalizer # wave repairer for small size of scratches
# updated detecting algorithm from v1.1 # user difined detecting
size for small scratches # all frequncy, mono and stereo,16 bits.
If you grab music CD and you have any problems with communicating
beetween your grabber and CD-ROM or a CD is bad quality or ......... ,
you can hear something in grabbed song what isn't in original song.
Yes, you can think : a new f*cking program is here, but I don't believe
to any program, whitch repairs scratches from wave file. We can say
just : test it, and you will see.
Yahoopops ~3.8Mb
YahooPOPs! is an open-source initiative to provide free POP3
access to your Yahoo! Mail account. YahooPOPs! is available
on the Windows and Unix platforms. This application emulates
a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like Outlook,
Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, Calypso, etc., to download email
from Yahoo! accounts. *For Broadband only!
Zig Zag Cleaner ~189KB
It's easy! Draw a zigzag and Zigzag Cleaner will hide applications
and documents. All or spare. To restore, just draw another zigzag.
Easy? You bet! The program will speed up your work considerably.
See Ya

CPU Magazine March '03 Issue:
Son Of Spy's comprehensive list of more
than 1,600 freeware solutions is legendary.
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