SOS - Internet DNS Error



IE6 was working, now it's not!
For any url I get the page cannot be displayed, cannot find server or DNS
I've reset all IE6 settings under tools options
I've connected to any ISP and get the same problem.
I've disabled my firewall,

I can connect to MSN Messenger, SMTP/POP3 for email works fine.

XP Home network tests, all pass ok.
I've reset my tcp/ip settings using the netsh int reset command - still no

I would be very grateful for any assistance!


OK, the problem is definitly with IE6, I just installed Netscape 7.1 and it
works fine.

Anybody know how to uninstall and reinstall IE6 for XP?
The add remove programs just removes the shortcuts.

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

Make sure IE is not configured to use a proxy server if you do not have a
proxy server on your network.


Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


thanks, but it's definitly not checked
Marc Reynolds said:
Make sure IE is not configured to use a proxy server if you do not have a
proxy server on your network.


Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.



i have similar probs i tried everything and asked alot but still havnt found nothin
i get the error WE Can't find ----- error dns server ie
Isent message to microosoft i sent message to verizon
Verizon did a link and looked at pc couldnt explain it
The web sight i looked for came up on netscape with no prob
i deleted msn9 thinking it was the prob... nop
Deleted search and destroy ... nope
did everything possible still nothing
as for help i get better help asking a first grader
for they least tell ya i dont know lo


From Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out,
"If you suddenly have trouble reaching a single site on the Internet
and you're convinced there's nothing wrong with the site, type this
command to clear the DNS cache: ipconfig /flushdns." p936

Your post did not include the OP's message, but from the description
of your actions and responses I believe the "similar probs" referred to
may well be the issue of failed connection to the server which accounted
for at lease one case following the installation of Security Update
MS04-007 (KB828028) posted on Feb10. This was reported in the
windowsupdate newsgroup ( ), and the
successful remedy was clearing of the Domain Name Service cache,
as is also advised in the 'bible' above

Please post back here or to the update newsgroup to verify if this
works, or not, as the case may be.


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