I have two tables, Area (Area:Number, Description:Text) and Location
(ID: Autonumber, Area:Number,Loc:Number,Desc:Text)
Area table with the following records
Area Description
1 San Jose
2 Oakland
Location table with the following records
ID Area Loc Desc
1 1 1 63th Ave
2 1 11 Main St
3 1 2 Pine St
4 2 4 Oak Ave
5 2 2 3 rd St
If a user want the parameter for the query to:
Area # 1 - 2
Location # (Not ID) 11 - 4
which give me the result in sorted order:
ID Area Loc Desc
2 1 11 Main St.
5 2 2 3 rd St.
4 2 4 Oak Ave
How can I do it?
(ID: Autonumber, Area:Number,Loc:Number,Desc:Text)
Area table with the following records
Area Description
1 San Jose
2 Oakland
Location table with the following records
ID Area Loc Desc
1 1 1 63th Ave
2 1 11 Main St
3 1 2 Pine St
4 2 4 Oak Ave
5 2 2 3 rd St
If a user want the parameter for the query to:
Area # 1 - 2
Location # (Not ID) 11 - 4
which give me the result in sorted order:
ID Area Loc Desc
2 1 11 Main St.
5 2 2 3 rd St.
4 2 4 Oak Ave
How can I do it?