Sorting text strings

  • Thread starter Thread starter QC-Dude
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I have a spreadsheet. which is several columns of cells populated with text
These text strings are quality system requirement clauses {examples 'Thou
shalt calibrate your instruments', 'Thou shalt train new employees', etc},
taken from various quality standards [ISO 9001, FDA, nuclear regs, aerospace
standards, etc].
Each cell is a single requirement clause/sentence. Each column is all of
the clauses under one quality standard as above.

What I need to do is sort the requirements, so that the user can select a
topic [i.e. 'calibration'] from a pulldown list, and the calibration
requirements across many different standards 'columns' will display as in a
report format on a separate worksheet.

For a given column, several cells may fall under one 'topic' [i.e.
'calibration']. Furthermore, any single cell may may into more than one
'topic' [cell example: 'Training progress shall be discussed during mgmt
review meeting' -this would fall under 2 topics: 'training' and 'management

I seek the community's advice on how to approach this. There's probably
several ways to achieve this. I need to learn how to tag/label individual
cells with 1 or more 'topics'. I am most grateful for everyone's good ideas
& technical advice here.
You should definitely consider using a special form of AutoFilter:

Data > Filter > AutoFilter > Custom > Contains and you your criteria