Sorting table linked to subform



Dear users

I am constructing a library catalogue, and my main form has a subfor
linked to a table of 5 columns including a subject keyword column.
have been making additions/corrections to this table as I have bee
cataloguing the library collection.

My problem is that when I lookup the list to make a subject keywor
selection, it is displayed in the order that the items were added an
not in a sort order.

The actual table is sorted but I can't get the lookup version to appea
sorted in the subform.

Look forward to the groups help.



Ian Pendlebury

You're wrong on one point. The table is not sorted. It's
just that a sort is applied when you look at it.

If you always want to sort on the same Field, you should
be able to specify this in the Recordsource for the
subform. If you want to be able to sort on different
fields, you will find that your subform has a Filter
property that can be set at design time or by VB in an
Event Handler.

Rick Brandt

stealth said:
Dear users

I am constructing a library catalogue, and my main form has a subform
linked to a table of 5 columns including a subject keyword column. I
have been making additions/corrections to this table as I have been
cataloguing the library collection.

My problem is that when I lookup the list to make a subject keyword
selection, it is displayed in the order that the items were added and
not in a sort order.

The actual table is sorted but I can't get the lookup version to appear
sorted in the subform.

Look forward to the groups help.

Base the form on a query with an explicit ORDER BY clause. Forms bound directly
to Tables will not have an order that you can rely on.

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