sorting questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter BruceJ
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I am leary of sorting as I have had my data "corrupted" becuase I apparently
had some heading columns with out names.
How can I sort data (or present it in a given order-sort might not be the
best working). I use user forms and I would need to move between records
with the userforms. I know I will probably need to reprogram my
"next/previous buttons, but how can I ensure my data does not get corrupted,
and present my data in a specified order?

Is sorting safe? What do I need to know in order to do it safely?

I am not sure if this is the "best" formum for this question in it's
entirerty, but some would be appropiate here and I know you guys know Excel
better than the general forums.

How would I modify the following to make _SURE_ everything is selected and
would not "corrupt" my data?

Sub Sort_RecNo()
' Sort_RecNo Macro
' Macro recorded 10/18/2003 by

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub

So this is a SAFE way to sort? I have lost LOTS of data (meaning leads,
sales, money and time!) due to it getting messed up with sorts, so I have
been VERY leary since I found out about this "feature" of excel. Since I am
not sure of all of the issues I really need to make sure of what I am doing.

Each column does have a name, upto were data ends (not unique) empty columns
have headers of "notused". I think everything else is unique though. I have
not heard that unique headers are required, but again, I just want to make

I have not been sorting, just filtering, and then hunting through manually
to find the records I need. Not very good...

Gunshy Bruce
If you have one header row (or no header rows) and the data is all used the
same, it sure sounds safe to me.

But for a lot of the stuff I do, I have multiple headers and sometimes the data
changes at the bottom--like footnotes.

I like to be a little more specific with my selection. I'll hit ctrl-end to get
near the bottom right corner and then click on the real bottom right corner.
Then I'll use ctrl-Shift-Home to get close to the upper-left-corner. Then I'll
shift-click on that.

Then when I do Data|sort, I can verify that I included (or didn't include the
last header row).

And if you're not confident about this stuff, save a copy first. Then do your
sort. You can always close without saving if you screwed it up too badly.