Sorting multiple worksheets



I have a workbook containing many worksheets.
The first worksheet contains a list of company names in
column A and a set of summaries for each company based on
the other worksheets, the following three worksheets also
contain the company names by referencing them all to sheet
A, i.e. on worksheet 2, A7 = worksheet1A7. This therefore
allows me to add company names to worksheet 1 and have
them appear automatically in the same order on the
following worksheets.

My problem comes when trying to sort the names
alphabetically, when i sort all of the data on worksheet 1
by column A(company names), the following worksheets also
change the order of their Column A-but not the rest of
their columns, so all the other columns will be beside the
wrong column A value.

Can anyone suggest a way around this?
Many thanks,

Norman Harker

Hi Mark!

Rule 1 is to make sure that you save a backup before you sort as
mistakes can easily happen.

Sort the sheets that are referencing the first worksheet first and
leave sorting the first worksheet until last.

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
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