I have written coding which when I am within a form, I can select a
value from one column and other relevant fields automatically populate.
This seems to be working fine. After the original test stage, I then
went and added more data into the table. I can sort the data from
within the table database view, but I can't seem to be able to sort the
field within the form. Can I modify the code that I have written to
include this ? Here's my code :
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Scheme_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String 'declare a variable of type string to be
used to hold our query
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 'declare a variable of type recordset
to be used to hold the data from our query
strSQL = "SELECT PackageNo, [Project Manager], [OLASCode],
[Budget], [Original Contract Sum] FROM Tbl_Scheme_Details WHERE
SchemeID = " & Scheme.Value
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL) 'query the DB
If Not rs.EOF Then 'Check that something was returned from the
txtPackageNo = rs(0) 'Assign the package no field the value
from the query
txtProjectManager = rs(1) 'Assign the project manager field
the value from the query
txtOLASCode = rs(2) 'Assign the OLAS code field the value
from the query
txtBudget = rs(3) 'Assign the Budget field the value from the
txtOriginalContractSum = rs(4) 'Assign the original contract
sum field the value from the query
txtPackageNo = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
the package no field
txtProjectManager = "" 'No data was returned from query so
blank the project manager field
txtOLASCode = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
OLASCode field
txtBudget = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
budget field
txtOriginalContractSum = "" 'No data was returned from query so
blank original contract sum field
End If
rs.Close 'close the recordset object
Set rs = Nothing 'set the recordset object to nothing
End Sub
value from one column and other relevant fields automatically populate.
This seems to be working fine. After the original test stage, I then
went and added more data into the table. I can sort the data from
within the table database view, but I can't seem to be able to sort the
field within the form. Can I modify the code that I have written to
include this ? Here's my code :
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Scheme_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String 'declare a variable of type string to be
used to hold our query
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 'declare a variable of type recordset
to be used to hold the data from our query
strSQL = "SELECT PackageNo, [Project Manager], [OLASCode],
[Budget], [Original Contract Sum] FROM Tbl_Scheme_Details WHERE
SchemeID = " & Scheme.Value
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL) 'query the DB
If Not rs.EOF Then 'Check that something was returned from the
txtPackageNo = rs(0) 'Assign the package no field the value
from the query
txtProjectManager = rs(1) 'Assign the project manager field
the value from the query
txtOLASCode = rs(2) 'Assign the OLAS code field the value
from the query
txtBudget = rs(3) 'Assign the Budget field the value from the
txtOriginalContractSum = rs(4) 'Assign the original contract
sum field the value from the query
txtPackageNo = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
the package no field
txtProjectManager = "" 'No data was returned from query so
blank the project manager field
txtOLASCode = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
OLASCode field
txtBudget = "" 'No data was returned from query so blank
budget field
txtOriginalContractSum = "" 'No data was returned from query so
blank original contract sum field
End If
rs.Close 'close the recordset object
Set rs = Nothing 'set the recordset object to nothing
End Sub