Sorting files by name, keywords, etc.



Our office filing system uses job numbers preceding job name, and is
therefore sorted numerically. How can we set up our folders to be able to
sort alphabetically by job name as well as the existing job number? When I
tried to add words to the 'keywords' section in folder 'properties', the
option was not available for folders, only files.

We are using Windows XP Professional.


I don't know of any way to do that, short of programming a bespoke
dialog box.

Servant Salamander might be worth a look, it offers a lot more options than

Bob I

Use "Date created" in place of the Job Number (provided of course they
were created chronologically in the first place) and then rename the
folder to be Job Name-Job Number and you will have your "name sort"

Donald Lessau

Redbox said:
Our office filing system uses job numbers preceding job name, and is
therefore sorted numerically. How can we set up our folders to be able to
sort alphabetically by job name as well as the existing job number? When
tried to add words to the 'keywords' section in folder 'properties', the
option was not available for folders, only files.

You could create shortcuts for each of those items using the reverse naming
scheme ("job name-job number"), and then sort either the shortcuts or their
targets depending on your needs.


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