Sorting Favorites List



After I add favorites to IE6 they initially are at the bottom of the
list, but when I access Favorites again later they will have moved into
alphabetical order. Most of the time I have no idea what letter the
webmasters chose for the title of the pages so I have trouble finding
these again easily.

I'd like the links to stay in the order they were added unless I decide
to Sort By name myself. Is this possible?

(I know I could just create more folders, but I'd still like the links
to stay where they were added.

Thank you-

Jan Il

Hi Vickie :)

You might try the information below and see if it is what you are looking

To Alphabetize the Favorties:

With your mouse, click the Favorites menu from the menu bar. Click the word
"Favorites" (the item between the View and Tools menus...DO NOT click the
Favorites button on the toolbar). The Favorites menu opens. Right-click on
any Favorite in the open Favorites menu. You should see the option Sort By
Name. Click it and your Favorites list is now alphabetized.

You might also see the information here and see if it will help:

FavOrg PCMag: To set Favicons (subscription required),1759,1558477,00.asp
Favicons are only temporary until cleared from your cache.

You can get free downloads at the links below free:
Version 1.4 here:
or Version 1.2 here:
More information here:,4149,9883,00.asp

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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Jan Il said:
Hi Vickie :)

You might try the information below and see if it is what you are looking

To Alphabetize the Favorties:

Read for comprehension next time, Jan.

Jon Kennedy

Something is messing with the registry key that stores this information:

Key = Order

Are you using the Enable Personalized Favorites Menu setting in
Tools...Internet Options...Advanced tab, Browsing section? If so, uncheck,
click Apply, click Okay - see if that helps.

If no joy, are you using any third-party software, such as a
bookmark/favorites manager, or something else that writes to your favorites?
Have you done a spyware/malware scan lately?

I've also seen where adding Favorites via different IE windows in a session
can get the order messed up as well.


Thank you.

I do not have the "Enable Personalized Favorites" selected.

I've run AdAware SE in safe mode and it just found the obligatory
cookies and nothing else. It's run just about every day, not always in
safe mode.

Norton Antivirus comes up clean.

I'm not using any third party software to deal with IE favorites.

I have added bookmarks when I've had various browsers open at one time.

What should that Registry Key say? Mine has:

Key = Order

Order Reg_Binary 08 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 1c 66 00 00 01 00
00 00 ad 00 00 00 5c 00 00...

Thanks again-



I temporarily was able to get the newly-added bookmarks to stay at the
bottom of the Favorites list by doing a Sort By Name, which put all
existing favorites in order. All new ones added after that were added
to the bottom of the list..and stayed there until the other day when I
noticed, again, that they also had integrated themselves into the
alphabetical order list.

I want favorties to be added to the bottom and not arrange themselves
in alphabetical order. As I add new ones I want those added to the

Isn't there some way to get Favorites to work this way.


Daniel Rose

In contrast, I would like all new favorites to alphabetized automatically.
Can this be set up?

Thank you,

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