I have my data organized in columns based on state standards, and I want to
regroup the data to get all Algebra questions together, all Geometry
together, etc.
Row 1: Question1 Question2 question 7 question 25
Row2: 6N1 7G8 5N15 6A9
Row 5-30 has student responses to the each question
where N, G and A represent Number sense, Geometry and Algebra. I want to
determine how the class did overall on each category.
regroup the data to get all Algebra questions together, all Geometry
together, etc.
Row 1: Question1 Question2 question 7 question 25
Row2: 6N1 7G8 5N15 6A9
Row 5-30 has student responses to the each question
where N, G and A represent Number sense, Geometry and Algebra. I want to
determine how the class did overall on each category.