When I sort a group of cells by highest number to lowest one column changes
the formula to match where the cell moves to. So if cell J9 moves to cell J8
in the sorting, the formula in the j column adjusts accordingly to match the
new position by one. I want the formula to remain constant. How do i do
that? Basically, if the formula in J9 is =E9/G30 and J9 moves to J8 I want
it to stay =E8/G30, but right now it keeps changing to =E8/G29. Catch my
the formula to match where the cell moves to. So if cell J9 moves to cell J8
in the sorting, the formula in the j column adjusts accordingly to match the
new position by one. I want the formula to remain constant. How do i do
that? Basically, if the formula in J9 is =E9/G30 and J9 moves to J8 I want
it to stay =E8/G30, but right now it keeps changing to =E8/G29. Catch my