sorting coloumns

Jul 8, 2010
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Good Day!!
I have a spread sheet which may become huge once and this is only a test data i have created.
However i would like to sort the spread sheet based on the coloumns, with a conditional "OK" in some occassions
1. selected 2 coloumns, if data is ok/OK the the entire row has to be copied to another sheet
2. on some occasions selected 3 coloumns has "ok/OK" then entire row has to be copied to another sheet
3. Some occassions if the selected 2 or 3 coloumns have "ok/OK" && AND if the a coloumn "x" is marked as "I" then the entire row has to copied to another sheet.
Please can i get help .. Please want a generic Macro so that i decide which coloumns to look for and what condition.

I created a sample spreadsheet, not sure how to attach it here.

Note: It's perfectly ok if i have to run a different set of macros for each of this applications or i have to hardcode the coloumns for the moment.

Thanks in advance

