Sorting by Last name in To:

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gerri
  • Start date Start date


I am using Outlook Express. Is there a way to sort the
displayed names in my contact list for sending email?
When I enter the names in the address book, I file as:
last name, first name, but when the names appear in my to:
box when I send, they are sorted by first name. If this
is not possible in Outlook Express is it possible in
Outlook? I have both. Thanks.
In Outlook, the address book can be sorted by "FN, LN" or the File As...
field. We would have no information about Outlook Express. This is a group
to support Outlook from the Office group of programs. Outlook Express is a
part of Internet Explorer and is a completely different program despite its
similar name..

You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
outlook express news group.

Try posting in one of these newsgroups: for OE 5.x for OE 5.5x for OE 6.x

A good website for information on OE is:
I have Outlook XP and here is how I fixed the same

1. Go to "Tools", "E-Mail Accounts"
2. Select "View or change existing directories or address
books", then click "Next"
3.Click "Change"
4. Select "File as (Smith, John)" in the Show names by
box, then back out of the dialog boxes (Close, Finish)
5. Exit Outlook and restart, it will be fixed.

Hope that helps.