sorting by date



Is there a reason that I cannot sort a column by date? I
have formated the cell with one of the standard date
format selections but I cannot sort my spreadsheet with
this column? Thanks for your assistance.


Hi Brian

first check that they're actual dates (right mouse click on a cell - format
/ cells, on the numbers tab choose General - you should see a number like
38260 (sept 30, 2004) ... if they're numbers like this then they're dates
and there should be no problem sorting them.

BTW are you using Data / Sort to sort them or the sort icons ... it's always
best to use Data / Sort

Also what happens when you try sorting them - do the rows just stay the same
or does something else happen (to test this, please sort both ascending &

Let us know how you get on



I checked format as suggested. The numbers do not appear
as stated. Therefore as per your comment they're not "real
dates". Wow would you suggest that I set up a "real date".
I tried to do this in format/cells/numbers/&dates. Thanks


Hi Brian

do you need to "enter" a date or do you want to convert your "dates" to
"real dates"

if you want to enter a date
simply click in a cell and type the date separated by either / or - e.g.
30/9/04 (if you're in my part of the world)
then press enter
now check out the cell format ... this is where you can change
the display of the entry to whatever you want using a combination of d dd
ddd dddd m mm mmm mmmm yy yyyy - under "CUSTOM" or choose one of the
existing date formats

if you want to convert your "dates" to "real dates"
assuming your dates start at A2
type in B2

and fill down (double click on bottom right hand side of cell B2 after
pressing enter)
now select column B, choose copy .. . edit / paste special - values and now
now you can copy these "dates" over the ones in column A but first we need
to change the format of A -
click on a blank cell anywhere on the sheet (generally somewhere you haven't
played with the format) and choose copy
now select column A and choose edit / paste special & add
then you can copy column B over A (or just delete A)

and then try sorting.

Let me know how you go


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