Sorting by date and ASAP



Hi all,
I have a Production Monitoring sheet that I sort in various ways - by
Customer, by Due date, by Progress% etc, depending on my what I need at the
time. I use macros for this.
I would like to be able to put ASAP in the date column sometimes, and have
those rows sort to the top of the column when I sort by date. At the moment
they sort to the bottom. How is it possible that the clever dickies at
Microsoft don't know that ASAP comes first, not last? Is there any way to
overcome this terrible oversight?
(If I enter '1' they will sort to the top, but display a date of 1 Jan 1900,
which is a bit off-putting. I would really rather ASAP)
Thanks in advance
Dave - Kiwi in Brazil


Think you could just use a helper col, then sort all by that helper col
Assuming your dates (& "ASAP") are running in B2 down
In C2: =IF(B2="","",IF(B2="ASAP",1,B2))
Copy down all the way. Then sort the entire range by col C, ascending.


Ah ha! the trusty helper column. Why don't I think of these things? Guess I
was holding out for some magic in the Custom List department.
Thanks Max.

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