Ahah! So my friend was right! "More or less ignored" is apparently
putting it mildly! (I guess Dan Artuso isn't using Jet 4 yet, and
thanks to Van for the quotes around 'correctly'.)
So how do we recover from my ever-increasing suspicion that if MS
programmers have a choice of 2 ways to do things, they will invariably
make the wrong choice? (At least in Access 2003, which I just converted
to, DAO is a default reference, and Allow Design Changes defaults to
Design View Only, but in reports AutoResize is still Yes and AutoCenter
is No. Who are these people listening to????) (Yes, I do know about
Normal, but it took me a long time to find it.)
Sorry, gentlemen, I am venting, but not at you.... You have my
everlasting appreciation. Thank you! But I'd love to hear the
rationale from the design staff for this. The fact that the SQL
designers made the same decision is no excuse. (Hey, it MIGHT be a
minus sign, so let's make EVERYBODY change their code, is my guess...!)
(Unfortunately I have the same opinion about the handling of nulls: if
..095% of apps need the distinction in .095% of their fields, let's make
EVERYBODY write code to handle the difference in EVERY line of code they
write! And by the way, let's REALLY screw them up on dates! Would you
rather have 12/31/1899 or 12:00:00 am if you don't have a date? Uuuh,
yeah, right!)
Apologies again for venting, and thanks to you! Guess I'll just have to
write some routines which change all the dashes my clients have used and
have gotten used to to underscores (Do THEY work??!!), and blame MS for
what I'll have to charge them.
Kevin (Ever the PITA)
In JET 4, hyphen is treated as a special character and
more or less ignored. If you strip the hyphen you have:
which are sorted "correctly".
See the MSKB article:
Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)