Maybe something along these lines ..
Assuming the sample source data below is
in Sheet1, cols A and B, data from row2 down
(sample data intentionally contain tied items)
Dwg# DwgN
1008 James
1005 Aaron
1003 Peter
1001 Kelly
1000 Peter
1009 George
1008 Mary
1001 Larry
1000 Michael
Dwg# = Drawing Number
DwgN = Drawing Name
Using 2 empty cols to the right of the data, say cols C & D?
Put in C2: =IF(A2="","",A2+ROW()/10^10)
Put in D2: =IF(B2="","",CODE(UPPER(LEFT(TRIM(B2),1)))+ROW()/10^10)
Select C2

2, copy down to say, D100 to cover the max expected range of data
in the source
In Sheet2
Paste the labels: Dwg#, DwgN
into say, A1:B1 and D1:E1
Put in A2:
Copy A2 across to B2, fill down to B100
(cover the same range as in Sheet1)
Put in D2:
Copy D2 across to E2, fill down to E100
(cover the same range as in Sheet1)
Cols A & B will return the ascending auto-sort by Dwg#
of cols A & B in Sheet1
Cols D & E will return the ascending auto-sort by DwgN
of cols A & B in Sheet1
For the sample data in Sheet1, you'll get:
In Cols A & B
Dwg# DwgN
1000 Peter
1000 Michael
1001 Kelly
1001 Larry
1003 Peter
1005 Aaron
1008 James
1008 Mary
1009 George
In Cols D & E
Dwg# DwgN
1005 Aaron
1009 George
1008 James
1001 Kelly
1001 Larry
1008 Mary
1000 Michael
1003 Peter
1000 Peter
Note that in both sorted lists, tied items (if any) will be returned
in the same relative order that they appear in the source in Sheet1
And if you want the auto-sorting in *descending* order,
just change:
"+ROW()/10^10" to "-ROW()/10^10"
in the formulas in Sheet1's cols C & D
and change:
in the formulas in Sheet2
(Edit > Replace could be used to effect the changes easily)