First of all thanks for trying to help. I really appreciate it.
I think I got it to work. Strange. I had all the settings correct as you
suggested and it still wasn't working. Then I noticed that there were two
or three addresses that were sorting correctly. When I investigated
further, I found that when I pulled up the details on a contact that sorted
correctly versus one that did not, the one that did not had File As - First
Last in the detailed contact info. When I went to change it by selecting
the down arrow in the contact detail it did not give me an alternative File
As. However, I was able to retype the name in File As in the correct Last
First order and voila it worked.
I have no idea how some First Last and a few were in Last First, or why
there was no option to change it at the individual detail level. But that
will have to remain a mystery. I've spent the time to change all of the
addresses. I'll pay attention to any new addresses to see if it recurs and
possibly try to determine what caused it.
Thanks again for your help.
Russ Valentine said:
Inexplicable. There is more to this story I'm sure.
What sort order are you selecting?
What is the format of your File As... field?
If, indeed, you have configured the Outlook Address Book to sort by the File
As field and it does not, it would be a first.
Russ Valentine
Dan said:
Yes, and it still behaves the same way. The setting you reference appears
to have no effect on the way the addresses are displayed when you view the
address book either through TO or CC or directly from the Address link on
the tool bar. Strange because they're displayed fine going through
Thanks for any further suggestions.
Did you restart Outlook?
Russ Valentine
I tried that but the list is still displayed as "first name last name"
matter which option I select at the location you suggested.
Go to Tools > E-mail accounts > View or change existing
address books > Outlook Address Book > Change. > Set your sort order
Russ Valentine
I'm using Outlook 2002 SP-1.
You forgot your Outlook version.
Russ Valentine
I store all my addresses in Contacts and I've set it up to file
name, first name". However when I'm preparing a new email and
address book via the "TO" button, the names are all displayed
last name".
Is there any way to have the names displayed in the
order as in contacts?