Hi Freeon,
I have seen you have posted this to a lot of groups, so I do not know if you
have your answer.
The typed dataset is mostly (when we see it in this newsgroup) an
automaticly by Microsoft as a wizard build dataset.
I never saw that as a wizard for the dataview.
There should be posibilities to make your own strongly typed dataview.
Than you can do when you do it right instead of dv("myItem"), dv.myItem.
That is not something I would spent much time on.
(There are of course more posibilities using the binding context from the
dataset, but that is also something that if I need the syntax above I would
not spent to much time for)
Just my thought,
Freeon said:
Right, I can use the .sort property change the order rows are accessed in
the dataview. This works great but I loose the Strong Typed Names from the
original dataset (unless I'm missing something) when I use the dataview.
'Here is a quick sample (Unsorted):
Dim drHeader As CUnit.HeaderRow
Dim objUnits As New CUnit(ConnectionString) 'This is a Strong Typed Dataset (.xsd)
For Each drHeader In objUnits.Header
Writeline drHeader.LK_ID
'Now Here is the sorted example where I loose Strong Typed Properties from the Unit Dataset
Dim drHeader As DataRowView
Dim objUnits As New CUnit(ConnectionString) 'This is a Strong Typed Dataset (.xsd)
Dim dvHeader as New DataView(objUnits.Header)
dvHeader.Sort = "LK_id desc"
For Each drHeader In dvHeader
Writeline drHeader("LK_ID") 'This works but I lost the ability to
use the typed property name (LK_ID).
The second example is 90% of what I want to do.
Just incase the 10% is not so clear this is how you access a non-typed dataset
Writeline drHeader("LK_ID")
and this is how you access a typed dataset:
Writeline drHeader.LK_ID
I can't figure out how to sort a dataset while maintaining the typed
property names. Usually I would not care, but I have allot of class' that
need to be sorted a second way and don't want to rewrite all the UI
translation code.