H ieveryone,
Can you help me please? I am trying to sort a hashtable but get the
error: "Cannot implicity convert type void to
I am doing the following:
****BEGIN CODE****
public ArrayList SomeMethod()
Hashtable myHT = new HashTable();
ArrayList keys = GetKeys (HT);
return keys.sort();
//Return an arraylist of Hashtable keys
public ArrayList GetKeys(Hashtable table)
return (new ArrayList(table.Keys));
****END CODE****
However under the "keys.Sort()" method call I get the error: "Cannot
implicity convert type void to System.Collections.ArrayList"
I'm stuck. Would greatly appreciate any comments/suggestions/
corrections that you may be able to offer.
Thanking you,
Can you help me please? I am trying to sort a hashtable but get the
error: "Cannot implicity convert type void to
I am doing the following:
****BEGIN CODE****
public ArrayList SomeMethod()
Hashtable myHT = new HashTable();
ArrayList keys = GetKeys (HT);
return keys.sort();
//Return an arraylist of Hashtable keys
public ArrayList GetKeys(Hashtable table)
return (new ArrayList(table.Keys));
****END CODE****
However under the "keys.Sort()" method call I get the error: "Cannot
implicity convert type void to System.Collections.ArrayList"
I'm stuck. Would greatly appreciate any comments/suggestions/
corrections that you may be able to offer.
Thanking you,